Moved house while I was pregnant but I was in my second trimester, it was a struggle then but compared to now, I definitely wouldn’t be able to. You definitely need lots of helping hand
I moved house 18 days before giving birth, it was stressful, but thankfully my husband and family didn’t pretty much everything. We got everything ready and how we wanted it before little one arrived. x
I moved house at 38 weeks with my first wouldn’t recommend 😅
I get how you feel I’m moving countries/houses in a few month, a month/two before I’m due
@Carol 18 days ?! 🥲 luckily we have lots and lots of help from family unfortunately they can only help weekends so we have 2 weekends to get everything done 😂 I'm packing everything by myself while toddler is napping so hopefully can just fling everything up to new house and deal with it over the next few weeks 😂
@Kate moving countries ?! Jesus you must be so stressed 😭
I moved at 8 months pregnant and honestly moving sucks no matter what LOL - just prioritize which areas you want done first and keep reminding yourself that this new space with be what’s best for your family!!! I had to keep reminding myself how GRATEFUL i was or i probably would have let my mind haha.
we had a move when i was pregnant with my son in 2021, i was about 5 months pregnant and we just got reinforcements. so we had my partners dad, step mum and my partners brother come help us. I did packing fine, but no heavy lifting, so when we did move, i was on tea duty whilst everyone else moved all our shit 🤣 i (being someone who struggles to rest when things are messy or need doing), spent the entire day after unpacking, until it was all done :) the place we’re in now we moved to in august, with our son (who’s now 3), i did so much heavy lifting, moving furniture, heavy boxes etc only to discover four days after moving in that i was pregnant again with number 2 🤣🤣 i was early on in pregnancy so ive still not had baby number 2 but i lowkey wish i knew so i could’ve been lazy 😆😆 but yeah just see if people can help you move and don’t stress, just be on refreshment duty whilst everyone else sorts it! xxx
I moved house 2 weeks before giving birth in covid times so limited help, it was tough but we did it 😂😂
I’ve: - moved at 7m pregnant (didn’t have much in the way of belongings at the time) - moved across states while 26wks pregnant & 2 littles (me and 2 others drove the 22hrs) with all I could fit in my car - more recently moved all stuff (crib, rocking chair, boxes, bags, toys etc) by myself, 2 littles and 36wks pregnant with my 3rd from a 3bd to a 1bd. Yeah I don’t recommend the last one that’s for sure.. I spent 2 days moving what I needed into new property and the rest into storage then spent the entirety of that weekend in so much pain in my back/hips I wanted to lay down and cry 😰 If you have the extra help just take it easy, know your limits and don’t over do it. You don’t wanna cause unnecessary pressure, strain or risk injury this late. I hope everything works out and you get nice and settled before bubs arrives ❤️
I relied a lot on family and my husband to move the heavy things. I just said where I wanted everything. We moved to a new city and the drive was 2hrs. While everyone was moving the heavy things, I put things away and built the beds.
I moved at the end of Oct when I was due beginning of Dec. However, baby didn't come until Christmas day, but i tried to help but was told nothing heavy, so I didn't really have anything to do. Then spent days unpacking but taking it easy x
yes i moved across the country around 30 weeks pregnant, it was rough but everything got done. you can do it!
I did with my first. I was 20 weeks pregnant and honestly was the best house move ever! Everyone kept telling me to sit down and not help with heavy things 😂
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I moved two weeks before my due date 😭 I was supposed to move into one place and the land lady pulled out last minute which meant we had to move into my in-laws for about 10 days whilst we sorted out somewhere else it was definitely stressful but got through it and thankfully it didn’t effect my pregnancy
i moved at 38 weeks. my husband pretty much did everything all i did was help pack boxes here and then and then take lots of naps! it was just the 2 of us moving we had no help and it was hard but also doable. we mainly got furniture and baby stuff set up before her arrival and did everything else after she got here as newborns pretty much sleep all day!
I moved twice during my first pregnancy. We were building a house and the built wasnt complete so we couldnt move in and the lease to my appartment was ending. So we moved from my appartment to my inlaws for 1 months then we moved again from my inlaws to our new house. I was in the third trimester. We unboxed the necessary and got the nursery ready. It took us almost a year after moving in to finish unboxing everything. It wasnt easy with a newborn.
I moved When I was pregnant,lots of help it wears you down fast. I could not keep up. I had tons of breaks
My husband and I are moving out of state about 4 hours away. We were planning to move gradually throughout my third trimester and then leave directly from the hospital to the new place after the babies are born, but then I went into preterm labor (and stopped it) and am now on bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy so we’ll see how this goes. We haven’t even started packing 😂
Moved house at 39 weeks in to a fixer upper 🤣😭 i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the living room 😭🤣
We're in the process of buying and selling. I'm due in June so fingers crossed we'll be moved and done most of the renovations by then😅
Moving on Friday! I'll be nearly 20weeks. It's been stressful, but now we've got a completion date it feels worth it. I've been packing and it's been tiring me out, lots of family helping with no heavy lifting for me ill be on cleaning and tea duty 🙃
I’m due to move super soon too