Baby potentially breach

Just been told baby might be breach. I need to go back to midwife when I’m 36 weeks next Monday and they will do a check then if she thinks babies still breach will send for scan to confirm. Anyone else had this experience and what was the outcome? 😊
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My little one has been all over the bloody place in the last few weeks, head down, breech, transverse, breech again, and maybe head down again now. If they are breech there's things you can do to help them turn, look at the spinning babies website, spend time on all fours with your bum higher than your head, even some Chinese medicine. They may offer you an ECV to manually turn the baby, depending on their size.

I had my scan today to check after my 36 week appointment last week the midwife thought baby was breech (I swear I'd felt her spin that morning) I've been doing all the spinning babies exercises since and hoping for the best! Thankfully today confirmed she is head down again now! And hopefully will stay that way! 🤞🤞

I had a scan at 32 weeks and baby was transverse (laying across my stomach). Had my 36 week scan yesterday and baby is now head down and engaged so fingers crossed yours does the same 🤞🏻

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