What did you end up doing for your lo @Natalie? X
I would agree with the comments above. Water is out of date advice and should not be given to children. The following is from the NHS WEBSITE Fully breastfed babies do not need any water until they've started eating solid foods. During hot weather they may want to breastfeed more than usual. Formula fed babies under 6 months of age may need small sips of cooled boiled water during hot weather as well as their usual milk feeds.
It's normal for some babies to not poo for few days. Try massage, bicycle legs frequently and if ot goes longer, check with GP
There is so much conflicted advice because my health visitor said I could give her cool boiled water for constipation x
I would only give a tiny sip or so of my boy was really constipated but no more I defo wouldn’t be offering 2oz at 13 weeks x
No water at all before 6 months I'm sure !
Is she formula fed? The advice now is to offer a bottle of pre made formula per day as it has laxative effects
@Jules I have tried this but didn’t do it everyday I’ll do it again and see how she goes x
2oz is quite a lot of water! As mentioned above the NHS advice is not to give water. When you say she's constipated, what are her poos like and how often does she go?
She hasn’t been in 7 days now, she tried to go earlier but only let a mark in her nappy. When she does eventually go it’s hard. I’m booking another drs appointment but I find it crazy that I’ve been advised water to help her
That's out of date advice from what I know, no water before 6 months is advice now from the health visitors- our Dr also gave us the same out of date advice x