Formula help

LG is just over two weeks old. Tried Kendamil which hasn’t agreed with her and she was very sicky. Now on HIPP organic but her poos are very watery and she’s doing at least 7 dirty nappies a day? Is this normal? My first was constipated so never have experienced the amount of dirty ones. Unsure whether to try another formala 🙈 thought second time I’d be clued up but obviously not. Any help appreciated 👏🏼👏🏼
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Any other symptoms? Any eczema or redness?

@Frayere nothing. Maybe slight redness but had the midwife out the other day who said she’s a normal colour. She has had a cold due to rest of us coming down with it. So I’m hoping it may just be that.

@Emily Bridgeman ah ok, only as the diarrhoea plus sickness sounded slightly like CMPA, but if it’s not together then probably not! It could also be her tummy adjusting to the new formula!

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