No sleep

Anyone else’s 11 month old not sleeping the best?! I feel like we were sleeping through the night around 6 months, then slowly it was waking up once or twice, and now it’s full blown waking up every 2 hours for like a month😅 please tell me I’m not alone!
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Yep we’ve had it for the last month and last night was our first night of sleeping through again, has your baby got teeth coming in?

🙋‍♀️ we were sleeping through the night. Now we are up for 2 hours and not wanting to go back to sleep. This momma is so overtired today 😴😭

Teething, growth spurt, nap regression, and he was sick with the flu I haven’t caught a break since he turned 7 months 🥲 but i always find that two weeks before he hits another month my baby goes through it he’ll cry hysterically out of nowhere in his sleep. He will go from wanting to be independent to almost going right back up where he came from 😂 the skills though have been so cute he learned to dance, wave, words and I’m just so impressed. His brain is developing so I’m like okay he just needs more rest, more food, his body is growing rapidly let’s be more patient. I hope things get better mama but you’re not alone ✋🏼🥲

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