If it helps reassure you at all, the amount of time you’re on your back before baby makes their arrival is pretty short ☺️
@Jayne i was going to say! Its maybe 15-20 minutes
@Jayne that really helps thank you. Sounds daft but once baby is out does the pressure release? X
@Ames once baby is out you won’t notice anything else! Plus you’re pretty numb x
I was literally numb from my boobs down so couldn’t feel a thing 🤣 this was something I worried about tho but you won’t feel it x
@Megan silly question but you know with you feeling numb from boobs down could you still feel yourself breathing😂xx
Because you’re numb from chest down pretty much within minutes after laying down, you don’t get chance to feel like you can’t breathe! I remember feeling like that towards the end of my pregnancy yet during the c section because you’re numb you don’t feel that pressure/weight xx
@Ashleigh that’s really reassuring thank you! I laid in bed before on my back and realise oh shit how am I gonna do this for the entire operation 😂xx
@Ames yeah you can it’s all such a weird sensation but within 10 mins you get handed you baby and you don’t really think about anything else ☺️ x
@Megan that’s what I’m worried about! The numb feeling 😂😂I’m really excited though! Only 6 days left for me x
It’s a weird sensation where you can’t take full deep breaths anyway as your diaphragm is alseep so you will feel heavy but you will be fine xx
I wasn’t numb I just couldn’t feel pain, could feel the touch though x
I had this same issue towards the end of my pregnancy, and I’m jumping in to say there’s no better relief then when they pull that baby out during the c section bc you’ll IMMEDIATELY be able to breathe again for the first time in months 😅😅
Hey so try putting a pillow in between your legs it should help .
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I had no issue with it!
You can breathe just fine once you’ve been numbed ❤️ don’t worry!
This is me!! I’m about to ask if they can put a pillow under me 🤣