What no don't be embarrassed! My lil man is the same. He says nana (banana), up, mama and dada daily. He previously said yeah and no and now only says these every few days. Understanding is more important. Just keep going, they will all get there in time and we may have big leaps at 18mo
Mine doesn't say any words yet if that makes you feel any better. He nods and shakes his head in response to questions and shouts to get attention but I've not heard any sounds that I could convince myself were words. They get their in their own time so try not to worry about it. My 3 year old doesn't stop talking and he was also a late talker. I find myself trying to find a quiet space to escape from the constant chatter after wishing he'd talk for so long
This is totally normal! My son literally says dada , mama very occasionally and ‘ta’. Occasionally something that vaguely resembles hiya but not in context. The range of normal is so varied and lots of people say between 18 months and 2 something just clicks and you can’t shut them up. They often focus on one area of development more than the other so it’s likely the talkers aren’t as good movers etc - they’re all different but get to the same place eventually 😊