Weird food thing

Weird one…. My LO has stopped eating veg when presented to him on a plate at the table. However I noticed he would pick bits up from the floor and eat them when I’ve got him down from the high chair and am cleaning up. So today after dinner I put a small plate on the floor with carrots and corn on… and he kept coming over picking some up and walked round eating it before coming back for more. Is this a thing? What the heck?
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Mine does this with toast and crackers, I have no idea why!!

So we’ve found generally my little boy doesn’t eat much in the high chair but if we give him a plate of picky bits and pop on the sofa/ floor where he’s playing he’ll graze and clear the plate. I think they just don’t like being told here’s your dinner and it’s time to eat they like to eat at their own leisure 😅 x

@Yasmin dont like being told anything at the min do they lol 😵‍💫😵‍💫

@CeeCee especially no 😂🤦🏽‍♀️

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