I was given a two day window and I was called in on the first day at 10 pm but that’s because they had a bed available xx
I was induced 11am 12th Jan and had my little girl on the 13th. I was called at 11pm on the 11th and asked to come in at 1am as it was quiet but would break up the induction admittance. The labour ward then went crazy so it took longer than expected to get the ball rolling and the balloon inserted. The drs seemed to constantly be in theatre so it took a while for them to come round and see me but due to MH I was in my own room so it wasn’t too bad. Experience in general induction wise wasn’t bad, it’s just the waiting if I’m honest but knowing that you’re slowly counting down to meeting your little one it isn’t too bad and once you’re induced it goes surprisingly quick😊
I was induced back in Feb 2024 however i was with a community midwife team which speeds the process up as I knew people who weren’t within the community midwife team were waiting quite long. I was induced on the 2nd of Feb at around 7pm and baby came at 2:29am on the 3rd I was only waiting for a day for a bed on induction ward… but was also kept as impatient so may be different circumstances and I know if impatient you can get given a bed any hour as ladies on the maternity ward were getting beds on induction at 2/3/6am ish… best of luck xx