Spontaneous Labour

For those of you who’ve had your twins (DCDA), if you went into spontaneous labour, how many weeks were you?
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I was 38+2

@Chloe thanks for you reply! We’re you supported in choosing not to be induced at 37 weeks? And did you have vaginal births with both babies?

Minus one doctor I was supported in my decision. This was my second birth and my first went so well I wanted that again for the second one. After I turned down my induction I did have to go in to be monitored a couple of times just to make sure the placentas were still doing their job properly but to me that was preferred over an induction or c section. I gave birth to them both vaginally, 2nd twin came out breach as it was rather quick and they didn’t have time to manipulate her the right way but it all went great! Hope you’re feeling ok Carrying two is hard!! Xx

Ha I could of written this myself! Those are exactly my preferences and I too had a quick, spontaneous labour and birth with my first. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, this fills me with so much hope ☺️ x

One of my twins sacs ruptured at 30 weeks which sent me into to early labour. I wanted a natural birth but I wasn't contracting enough, so I had to have an emergency c section. They spent 7 weeks in NICU... both very healthy. They just had to do a bit more growing before coming home. (Regulate their temperature alone, feed alone and be a certain weight) They are now 16 weeks. 6 weeks corrected :) xx

@Lara thank you for sharing your story, that must of been really daunting at 30 weeks! So pleased they are healthy and thriving! I better get my hospital bag packed, I suppose you never know when they might make an appearance! X

My first was exactly the same. Second was even quicker so get to that hospital as quick as you possibly can- that would be my advice. I was lucky as I had just got to the hospital to have some monitoring when my waters broke! Hope you get to have the birth you’d like and you get supported ❤️

@Chloe we’re 20 mins drive from hospital so nothing too crazy, but a lot can happen in 20 mins 😅 one more question if you don’t mind, what did you use for pain relief? I used tens machine and gas&air with my first, but it’s already been recommended to me that I have an epidural in case of need for a section, but again this is something I’d really rather not have!

Does the type of twins you have make any difference to when they advise you give birth ?

Don’t mind at all. I had no pain relief, it all happened very quickly and I didn’t have time for anything. Really wanted gas and air but by the time they got the machine to me the babies had arrived

@Jo from the research I have done, I believe they like to induce you/book c section for identical twins at 36 weeks as they share a placenta so there is slightly more risk of placenta not functioning to full capacity. My hospitals policy is induction/section at 37 weeks with non identical. Although everything is ultimately your decision!

@Chloe wow that’s incredible! Thank you so much, you’ve honestly just given me so much hope and positivity!! Thank you 🙏🏼

I think by 36 weeks I will be ready. Was induced first time as overdue and it was positive for me.

@Jo that’s great you had a good induction experience! I believe everyone should be able to birth how they choose, and that they are able to make informed choices about what’s best for them and baby/babies ☺️

I was 28+2, but twin A's waters broke at 21+5

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