My baby got the giggles over it yesterday 😂 every time she'd latch then pull away she looked at me and giggled, almost like she was playing peek-a-boo 😅 It was adorable but hoping she doesn't make too much a habit of it haha
We are in this together, mine will just turned his head away like right under my armpit making it difficult to latch on the bottle. At times I loose it and I feel like Turing his neck back 😂😂am scared I might twist his neck cos it’s so annoying and frustrating. Sometimes I had to turned off my tv or put my phone away but still he gets distracted and it makes me wonder like what’s he looking at? It’s funny but sometimes frustrating
@Jess I’ve tried this and it still doesn’t work 🤣😭
@Ellie aw how sweet!!
@Philly haha I have held my little one’s head and made him drink (softly ofcourse) and he just thought it was funny 🤣🤣
@Sera Kay ✨ 😂😂😂😂😂😂
My little boy is bottle fed and he's started doing this too... My HV just giggled and said she remembered her little boy doing the same thing. Not much help.. but least we know it's normal. She also said that this might stop when we start to give the food x
@Lesley-Ann my little guy is on solids and it definitely hasn’t helped 🤣
Yes! Especially in public as well, we tried a Muslin but he pulls it off and exposes my boob every time 😅 the other day I just had to take him to the car and feed him as he was so hungry but just wouldn’t feed
My baby is exactly the same! I have to put a muslin over my shoulder and over her head to feed her now so she doesn't look at anything but the boob🤣