I struggled through Covid and I wasn’t even a mum at that time so I can only imagine how hard that must’ve been!❤️ My issue is that because I’ve unintentionally isolated myself I don’t really have any friends anymore and I’m not particularly close with family so I don’t get to go out much to socialise but I’ve been told it will help, hence signing up to peanut. I do have a dog so I’m out at least once a day to walk him. I also work from home in the evenings as an editor and I’m on elvanse for my adhd. I love being a mum and I wouldn’t change it for the world, but being a stay at home mum (which i used to love more than anything) does it not feel like same shit different day? Hope you keep seeing improvements and happy for you that you’re feeling better❤️
I suffer with anxiety and depression I'm on sertaline also a mom to 3 it's hard but the sertaline tablets really help me been on them a year an mood changes with in hour of taken them :) please seek help frm GP for medicine as it really helps x
I can kind of empathize, I have severe anxiety and was diagnosed with bipolar depression. I’m also trying to get tested for ADD. I was told I was prone to PPD/PPP. I got it bad and instantly. Being a SAHM especially during COVID was very isolating. What helped me was getting out of the house so I jumped at any party invite, family dinner etc after the first year. I got a part time job at night after my hubby was home, now I’m pregnant again and I’ve quit but i finally saw a psychiatrist cuz I’m exhausted mentally who prescribed mood stabilizers because SSRI could add to my mania as a side effect, I have been seeing a difference after just three weeks. It helps me sleep, lowers my anxiety, I have motivation to get out of bed more days than before. I really hope to continue seeing an improvement