I got the flipple technique suggested to me yesterday and that has helped. Wish I'd been shown sooner! Very normal for them to feed a lot early on! Definitely ask for advice locally. Good luck!
This is my first baby and definitely was feeling similar to what you were describing the first 3 weeks - it was so strange because I wanted to feed my baby but at the same time dreading every feed for the intense pain at the beginning. After 3 weeks it got better - we are 5 weeks now and still not perfect but will keep working on it until we succeed.
Can I ask what nipple shields did you use and if they worked well for you? Might look into it also
Can you go to a local breastfeeding group and have them take a look at the latch? I imagine you'll settle very soon and the pain will subside (especially as you nursed your first for so long!) but it sounds definitely worth getting things checked by peer supporters/infant feeding team 😊