I have Spectra S1 and love it! I did have the mom cosy S5 previously but didn’t get on with it too well. In terms of supply, I have been visited by a breastfeeding support team who advised that if you eat oats that can be good for supply along with expressing every 3/4 hours, she did say including during the night. She also advised to eat healthy and ensure you’re having plenty of snacks. I’ve found my supply is much higher during the hours of 4am-7am so I always try to pump at these hours although I know that’s not possible for everyone x
I have the momcozy M9 I tried 3 different pumps and this was the only one with good suction to express well for me. It is also hands free. So it saves me so much time! I can even pump in the car while driving or around people. Which means I can keep to the 3/4 hour pump. Drinks lots of water. There is also tea and hotcocolate you can buy from hot tea mama. It has fenugreek in it which is meant to help with milk supply aswell. Also another company called Boobix does the hotcocolate and cookies made with oats. Also eating oats/porridge. I hope this helps xx
Spectra S1 would be my pump recommendation. However, in terms of increasing supply, the single most effective way to do this is having baby feeding from the breast as much as possible. Baby is designed to stimulate milk supply and a woman's body is designed to have milk supply increase by constant stimulation by the baby in the early days. 😊