@Amaya that’s great if you’re comfortable with your baby having screen time. My husband and I had both agreed that it’s not something we are comfortable with. Not shaming people who need to use it but if my husband is free and able to watch and play with baby he shouldn’t need to have the tv on.
It sounds like he previously agreed he's not comfortable with screens but was clearly lying. He's breaking that to not miss the game??? So he actually doesn't care at all if your child gets screen time. You'll have to talk about this. And yes it IS pathetic he's saying well then don't ask me to watch him during the game. I'd be like do you have any idea what shows I'd love to watch?? Do I EVER get to? NO. We both have jobs until you get home then it's a shared job... but somehow during our shared job I'm still the one working all evening and you think you should just get to watch a game and not parent the way we agreed.
@Amaya respectfully girl I think you’re missing the point
I agree with you , if you take care of him without watching TV whole day , you want same quality time in night when he is looking after it . You both have agreed for no screen play and thats on him also . We have same agreement for our kid , until it’s very emergency at work as we both are full time working . We use limited screen time when it’s a must . I would suggest , instead of fighting you take the baby and dont cook or work in kitchen . Let it affect your both routine instead of baby quality time . Let him get affected by his action . If you complain but then again cook dinner , won’t make any difference in hi life . That what I would do . Handle with patience .
The games have replays for a reason..
@Amaya I agree
I would be irritated too because he has previously agreed on no screen time. If he doesn’t feel that way anymore then he needs to just say it so y’all can find a solution to the problem of little one not viewing the tv while you are busy. Idk what he does for work but y’all are both tired at the end of the day I’m sure! Sounds like something y’all need to talk about but not in the moment and not with negative emotions. Find a compromise. But no, you’re not crazy I would feel the same way.
i agree with @Priyanka make it affect him. if he wants to watch the game instead of the baby and then you can’t make dinner, oh well now there isn’t dinner. but first i would suggest to him that he record the game so he can watch it later after baby goes to bed or something and focus on baby when he says he’s going to.
I would be frustrated too. Totally justified
@Amaya I doesn’t have anything to do with him watching tv. He finishes work at 5 and our baby goes to bed at 7:30. It’s also about spending quality time with our son without being distracted by a screen. I watch tv, as long as I am not watching my son.
Just here to say I agree with no. I would hate that and tell him he can’t be doing that. You both agreed on no screen time so he can just not have his phone during the time you are cooking dinner
@Kora real quick to make assumptions lmao how do you know if he bought the tv? and excusing men’s cheating because their wives are holding them accountable for the baby they “helped” make? girl just go out in public with a sign that says “pick me” i’m sure you’ll get one eventually
@Kora who says he bought it? I didn’t just sit on my butt before I had a baby lol. I actually paid for 80% of our wedding working 6-7days a week. So that he could finish school. Not every sahm has the same financial situation. If you rely on your husband that way that’s awesome as well, but I still contribute financially even from home.
@Kora also never did I insinuate that I would get a divorce over this issue. I was expressing irritation and wanted to see if anyone felt like they were in the same boat. I still love my husband and made a promise to him and God that it will be death til us part. And I take that seriously.
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@Kora girl i’ve been picked many times😂i’m the one who unpicked lmfao. wives do not exist only to “obey their husbands” and i really hope you don’t try to make your child believe that. you are worth more than being a slave to a man.
@Kora the Bible also speaks out against adultery and divorce but in your mind a man can do whatever he wants😂 my man truly does believe in God and would not divorce me over this type of issue. If yours would you should probably reflect yourself. I take care of him and my son. Doesn’t mean I am not allowed to feel irritated every now and again.
And yes I brought the tv, why does it matter?
@Kora okay I am open to opinions, otherwise I would not have posted. Just know that I’ll be praying for you and that you can know what a truly God fulfilling relationship feels like☺️
@Amaya because if the dad is watching tv so is the child…? And most people who say they don’t do screen time don’t do screens even in the background as that’s what is recommended by most pediatricians and experts
@Kora no thanks, my husband CHOSE to marry ME. Someone who is educated, yet still decided to make his house a home for him, his child, and children to come. Someone who truly has the same faith in Jesus. Based on your responses I don’t believe you have the same qualities he was looking for when finding me.
@Amaya maybe consider that this baby is interested in the tv and is watching it ?
@Amaya also want to say this is no judgement on you. I think all parents have the right to make their own parenting choices. My point was that this was something we had agreed on as husband and wife. Which also included having the tv on with the baby in the room. But I also thank you for expressing your opinion in respectful manner. I did not mean for this post to turn so negative. I guess that’s just what happens when I vent in the moment.
@Amaya the baby is 9 months old most likely can crawl and move. At this point I’m convinced you’re just trolling
@Amaya every child is different. My baby is definitely interested in adult shows. And regardless this is a choice both parents agreed to. So he definitely should stick to it. It’s not fair that she is working hard to ensure they do no screens all day while she’s home and he can’t wait until after the baby goes to bed to watch his shows. It’s disrespectful to his wife. He has to watch his child with undivided attention for maybe an hour a day and that’s too much to ask? I think she absolutely has a right to be frustrated.
@Amaya thank you mama, best of luck to you as well! Yes we try to keep arguments separate, at the end of the day we all just try to have our kids’ best interest in our hearts.
@Melanie thank you for the understanding and validation! Definitely didn’t mean for this post to be a place for arguing amongst moms. I’m so sorry.
Does he have DVR/TV recording technology? "The game" can be on after dinner. If he'd rather have game than dinner, that's fine too. 🙄