I just chuck some meat in pasta usually, or often give leftovers for lunch. You could do pinwheels and put some meat in that, homemade sausage rolls, wraps, little pizzas on tortilla wraps instead… For shellfish I don’t eat it either as I don’t like fish, but last night I did a curry and did my kids a separate one just less spicy and I did myself chicken and them prawns. Or there will be some pasta recipes you could do? Sometimes I just give my daughter prawns by themself and she loves them
You could shred some chicken breast or beef or pork and use that for a few days for lunch! I just give it on the side usually but you could mix it in pasta or whatever else you normally offer
Literally anything you eat.. so last night I made chicken satay noodles so he’s got that tonight. Tonight I’ve got mince beef pie and mash so he will have that tomorrow. Spaghetti bolognaise, shepherds pie, stew curries everything.. for shellfish I did fish pie with prawns or do a curry x
Poached chicken shredded and mixed with avocado in wraps and sandwiches or just on a spoon was my little boys fave at that age. He’s 2 now and I still give him occasionally as meat isn’t his fave
i was feeling the same way- it’s not meat but my 8mo is a big fan of scrambled eggs/ egg salad if you haven’t tried that! good protein option
I'm a vegetarian so my LG only mainly eats meat when her dad is eating with us as she'll eat something from his meal too. I use hemp seeds regularly on her breakfast for iron and protein and I also keep some sausages and chicken in the freezer to throw in the oven/on the pan for her if I've got a meat alternative or I feel it's been a while. As for shellfish, if it's not something you eat at home and won't be able to offer baby regularly once introduced then you're better off not introducing it. If you're happy to keep something in the freezer to offer regularly, you could make some fishcakes (with prawns in) or just have a bag of frozen prawns and fry some off for baby, just bare in mind prawns should be butterflied/halved along the length to remove the roundness :)
Honestly with the shellfish I would scrap all the ideas of making a whole dish with shellfish or anything that equates to giving them a whole dish full of an allergen when they haven’t tried it before! My son is allergic to shellfish and has an anaphylaxis respond so he now has an epi pen and as much as the whole point of a severe allergy is that you never give it to them again, the fact of the matter is, you cannot always be 100% in control of exposure which is the whole point of epi pens! So the point I’m making is that even if it’s not something you would usually or regularly eat, it’s still important to let them try it so that should they get exposed to it from anywhere by mistake it doesn’t have disastrous effects! If you have anyone that eats prawns/crabs/lobster or similar then give them the rest of the pack if your little one does react to it! For my son I gave him a tiny amount of a prawn that I was eating. I bought the packet of already cooked prawns.
He had such a tiny amount and literally less than 2 minutes later he was reacting to it so it was one of the quickest almost immediate responses he has ever had and at this point he had experienced a few allergic reactions, none this severe! My son has all meat that I eat (he has never had game or duck, pheasant etc.) however for lunch my son just has whatever we had for dinner the day before and if he doesn’t have that I will make some chicken goujons since it’s real quick and serve it with home made chips sometimes sweet potato. If not that then mackerel with plantain or sausage and sweet potato. Iv usually always got left over dinner though
Thanks all, I've done most now it's just the seafood I'm struggling with as I don't eat it! We've done tuna/cod but any others I don't eat at all
Honestly for allergens you don't eat, I'd suggest going to a restaurant that serves it with them, and getting them to prepare something for kiddo, as they'll be much more versed in the prep and can make sure that the food is both safe and tasty, and that kiddos first try of it is safe and enjoyable. By 9 months my kid was eating bits of chicken breast, hamburger patties, and the like on his own, and he's always been a huge fan of scrambled eggs. I've also made sandwhiches with cold leftover meats (rotisserie chicken or roast pork loin are most common for this as we don't do roast beef often) and he's really enjoyed stealing bites of that.