I had the same issue (other than the bloody milk). My daughter was losing too much weight, I wasn’t making enough, supplementing formula, not latching…I started with a nipple shield since my daughter couldn’t latch without one. I had to find the right lactation consultant who helped me get her to latch without the shield. After that she said the more I nursed her, the more my body would make and it did. You could also try nursing first and then pumping for 10 min after to try to increase your supply. I was a weekend away from quitting breastfeeding and now I’m 10 months in and don’t supplement anymore. I would say do what is best for you and your little guy. Most importantly what is best for your mental health. A less stressed mama is best!
I'm also pumping and getting my little girl to breastfeed and use formula but struggling with breastfeeding When should I stop trying?
My daughter is 2 months now, and we are both just learning to latch. I have been pumping exclusively for over 8 weeks now and it’s been exhausting so, I can relate to your struggle. I’ld say skin to skin, patience and practicing when the baby isn’t so hungry. A lactation consultant is also a good idea, I had to go through 4 to find the right one 😮💨.
this can be very stressful but you have to remain calm bc it can lower ur milk supply. you could try skin to skin more often. seems like baby is a little confused bc of the switching , but baby can relearn to latch again. Drinking plenty of water and eating lots of oat help me with my supply. baby feels your worry so possibly take breaks .
Skin to skin and put him back on your boob! ALL DAY if you can. I’m sorry you’re having a tough time mama. It’s going to be okay, stay consistent. It takes the body some time🩵