If I hear, "you're lucky that you're EBF your baby" one more time... I swear...

Going into 9 months of EBF and it's been so hard. From poor latching (due to tongue tie), torticollis, nipple biting that lead to nipple damage, being the only one to put baby down for nap/bed because baby will only nurse to sleep and much more. It's all too much honestly. I want my body and freedom back. I'm always reading on here how much mommies love breastfeeding and don't want it to end. I feel horrible for wanting to end it. I'm 👏 just 👏 so 👏 OVER 👏 it!
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I'm sorry and it's a normal thing wanting it to end. Do you plan on going till 12 months? Or are you wanting to try and switch to formula Breastfeeding can get so frustrating, I didn't have to deal with tongue tie thankfully but so much biting, especially when my son falls asleep on boob he'll start to clamp down.

Omg I could have wrote this myself when i was still breastfeeding! I also struggled so so much. Between getting blocked ducts every week to getting mastitis 5 times i just about made it to 14 months which was a miracle! I felt too guilty to give up because everyone was enjoying it and because my boy loved bf. Towards the end 2 months it got a lot easier and i did start to enjoy it a bit but only because he would have 5minute feeds about 4 times a day 😅 I do sometimes miss the bonding time with him but i am SO happy to have my body back and not feel over stimulated all the time. He was a very frequent feeder all the way until 11 months old 😩

I was the same with my 2nd. We ended up BF for over 2 years. Now I’m pregnant again and refuse to EBF again. I’ll happily combi feed or exclusively pump but I’m never exclusively nursing straight from the tap ever again. That broke me mentally and I lost so much of myself

I feel you. For me the “luck” was pushing past 2 different lactation consultants that didn’t help me at all, cracked bleeding nipples, having to use a nipple shield for weeks, dealing with a massive oversupply, mastitis, around the clock nursing, no available help from parter with feeding, cluster feeds and countless people telling me to just give formula ignoring my wishes to BF etc. I will say it is a privilege to not be forced to go back to work so soon and that really aided my BF journey. But yeah the “luck” is really perseverance for a lot of mamas and lots of people try to undermine it because of their own insecurities which doesn’t feel good. Just ignore them 🙏 also never feel bad about being happy about stopping, everyone is entitled to their own feelings about it

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