thank you that's such good advice!! ❤️
He’s never had the toddler alone so how about starting with a few hours a week. Why is he jumping to 50/50, does he not want to pay child support or something
yeah you're right, no need to jump into 50/50, hopefully he accepts ramping it up. I think when he reflects on it he'll realise he needs more time to understand what needs to be done day to day! I was also worried whether LO would be happy away from me so much, especially since he only wants me when he's upset or ill. I guess this way we could test that out too, and hopefully my ex would be honest about how it goes on his days
I’ve had some experience with this, in my opinion it’s important that you see him do all the daily tasks for LO, see him able to stick roughly to routines ect. Making sure his home is fitted with the essentials baby needs ect and when you’re comfortable with that, start off with one day a week then bump it up slowly if baby is responding well, still in somewhat of a routine ect. As the person who has been primary caregiver, your comfort is important for little one to have the best experience with both of you. Ease in the routine slowly with small changes first so it’s less overwhelming for all 3 of you. Allow him to prove himself in being consistent for the next couple of months, strengthen your co parenting relationship before agreeing to such a drastic change for the sake of your little one x