I'm trying to bring our dinner earlier but I find it difficult though I try to have dinner at the latest at 6pm. Then bath if needed or just family time. We start getting ready for bed at 6.30pm (change of nappy, moisturizer if bath, bottle, PJ etc) then I read a few books until about 7pm then my wife takes over, they read books and finish the milk until about 7.30pm then she rocks her until she falls asleep and puts her to bed. It normally doesn't take long for her to fall asleep by then maybe 5/10min. But! It took us a while to figure out what worked for her. For a long time we played it by ear with how she was feeling, how tired she was, how well the naps went, etc and this is what works for us best at this point in time. I'm saying this because I think it's important to not "impose" a bed time to your kid and rather listen to what they are saying/showing you. 2h in bed waiting for her to fall asleep is not effective for anyone involved.
I'd try and see what can be changed. Push bedtime later? Add stuff to your night routine, like books, songs etc ? Maybe she needs more 1 on 1 connection time? Maybe you have a sensitive child who needs a certain type of activity, for example some kids need intense play before bed, others need body pressure etc ? Maybe she needs to be more supported to sleep, like being rocked or cuddled ?
I give my child a bottle in bed and I’ll walk out and she will normally go to sleep on her own sometimes I’ll have to rock her to sleep but it’s rare for it to happen, maybe she could be sleeping to long during her naps or getting up a little bit late, I’ve started putting my child to sleep earlier during the day so she sleeps better and easier then she will get up a little bit earlier in the mornings but I don’t mind
She has dinner around 4-4.15, then she goes straight into the bath for how ever long she wants. She'll let me know when she wants out, and we go straight into her room to brush her hair and put her pj's on. Then we turn on her white noise machine, she gets her favourite toys in her bed, and I ask her to lay down on her bed. I tell her I love her and say goodnight. I turn off the light and walk out of the room. She'll sometimes cry for 5 minutes. But usually, she'll sing to herself and go to sleep on her own. She'll sleep until 6am the next morning usually
We have dinner around 5:30/6:00 then after dinner it’s shower time and then it’s relax time then bottle and bed between 8:00-8:30