@Nicky thank you so much for responding I’ve been crying about it all morning. Don’t know where to start with formula, I feel clueless. Maybe I should just start her off with a bottle before bed? I’m worried it’s going to upset her stomach or change her poos
Hi, I totally understand about the guilt, I had to reevaluate my breast feeding plan and moved onto combi feeding, due to pain and a difficult latch due to having a small baby. In the early days my midwife suggested having a couple of days off breastfeeding to give my nipples a rest, get some cream and then try again. I formula fed during this time. I’ve heard the silver nipple cups are supposed to be helpful also. Have you considered speaking with a health visitor to check your latch or tips on different positions. Try not to feel guilty, I know it’s hard with all the hormones. But at the end of the day your baby is going to get more from a mum who is happy and feeling better mentally. It’s about making a choice which is right for your family xx
It’s soo hard! Have you checked latch/baby for tongue tie? Get help from a lactation consultant for positions. There’s support on instagram from ibclc trained lactation consultants. Kathryn stagg, Olivia hinge Lucy ruddle and Lucy Webber. They’ve got tons of free resources. And you can pay for 1-2-1 advice from some. There’s the national breastfeeding helpline 24/7 La leche league has support too. Or seek support from your local infant feeding team. We had help at our local children’s centre.
I was adamant this time around I was going to breastfeed until 6 months, but now at 2 weeks baby is fully formula fed and I honestly could not be more relieved. He would feed every 20 minutes day and night, cried almost constantly because he was never full. Not to mention my toddler had tantrum upon tantrum whenever he was feeding and it got to the point he would sit in the corner and silently cry because he was so upset he had no time with me. Not to mention I was sleep deprived and in complete agony. Switching to formula was honestly the best thing I could have done for my whole family. Baby sleeps 3 hours at a time now, is content and happy nearly all the time, my toddler loves that he still gets time with his mummy and has accepted his little brother and even fed him a bit of a bottle last night! A happy mummy equals a happy baby and a happy family You could always try combi feeding to start and see if that helps take some of the pressure off it all?
Hi, first of all well done for getting this far. Exclusively BF is really not easy and doesn’t always come naturally like everyone says! From someone who wanted to give up with my first at about the same age but carried on till 3 years I promise it gets easier. Are you in pain from the latch or full breasts? Unfortunately sleep isn’t linked to the feeding type so there is no guarantee they would sleep better with formula. Although you could get someone else to give them a bottle which takes some of the work off you. Whatever you choose you need to do what’s best for your family and baby has had loads of amazing colostrum so don’t feel guilty xx
I recently give up as well, for multiple reasons, I was combi feeding and was giving breast first but she still needed more. I also had health issues and needed to spend more time with my 4yo. I struggled at first with my decision. My husband really helped as he saw how exhausted I was and advised me to stop breastfeeding for my sake. I know from my first, breastfeeding takes time to establish but I could tell this time was too challenging for me. I feel better with my decision, she is more content on formula, sleeps longer too and im better mentally, as well as physically. I have more time for my first and recover better from my health issues. Do what's best for you,mental health is important too and your baby will still get all the nutrients he needs. The guilt will fade once you see the difference. You can start by combi feeding too. Multi-Mam compress works wonder to heal nipple, frozen cabbage leaves in your bras for when you engorged works too
I’m feeling the same way, but have the added guilt this is my 4th and all his sisters were breastfed for 12 months, I’m only 5 weeks in this time, boobs have been agony and he seems to feed all day long with cat naps, goes through the night pretty similar. It’s exhausting. I don’t know what to do! X
I’m at just 1 week pp and honestly I’m in agony. I’m hoping that the health visitor can help tomorrow, otherwise I think I’m going to call it a day and start using formula. At the moment, I’m dreading baby waking up for a feed as I’m in so much pain
I am going through this exact thing and feeling the same emotions… I’m only 2 weeks pp and have tried my best but I’m not producing enough and baby boy isn’t happy or settling so have made the decision to stop (gradually, so at the moment I am still pumping). I had an appointment with the midwife yesterday and she was really supportive and reminded me that it isn’t just what is best for the baby, but what is best for the whole family. So if you’re knackered and in pain and just fed up, then that isn’t good for you or the baby. She also reassured me that I have given my baby the ‘best bit’ of breastfeeding from the colostrum and to not be too hard on myself! Completely get how you’re feeling, I hope this helps at least let you know you’re not alone! Whatever you choose - You got this Mumma🥰