Mine has 4 8oz bottles x
We’ve just upped to 7oz for every bottle. (5 times a day)
My lo can take between 6oz and 8oz
Mines just gone up to 4 8oz bottles a day x
Mine has 210ml a bottle, but sometimes doesn't have it all
I offer 7oz every bottle, sometimes 8oz if she didn’t have a lot of her last one. She usually drinks between 5oz and 7oz 5x a day x
My lo had 8oz per bottle 4 bottles a day
We have just upped to offer 8oz about 6 times a day he drinks most of it, sometimes leaves about an oz
@Gabrielle have you found upping his bottles has increased his Reflux symptoms at all?? Xx
My LO has 7oz bottles, he occasionally falls asleep in the middle of his feed and he’ll finish an hour later, and occasionally he’ll only take 6oz
I would say when we first did it he was a little bit more sicky but now all good and gets upset if we offer anything less than 8 😂
My daughter had 7 oz this morning but she won’t take that every bottle so she has 6 oz most of the time