@Emma thank you soooooo much for sharing, already feel a little relief to read that 🥹🫶🏼
I was the same! All will change very soon XXX
Is this your first baby? On my first, I had a posterior placenta and didn’t feel anything until 19+6- literally the night I’d gone for my 20 week scan. It was like flutters or little bubbles popping in my stomach. I didn’t feel them regularly either, I actually remember phoning triage at about 22/23 weeks as I hadn’t really felt anything of note for days. They weren’t concerned but said they’d check the heartbeat for me to ease my mind (don’t think they can proper monitor until 24 weeks). Not feeling anything at your gestation is completely normal and I completely understand it’s easier said than done but try not to worry. Try to pay attention over the next week or so, the type of movements you’ll feel at this time are not necessarily what you think they’ll be x
I'm 19 weeks today and earlier in in pregnancy from around 14 weeks was feeling flutters ... had a scan at 15 weeks and found out mh placenta is anterior . Last couple of weeks I havnt felt them as much . This weekend I ended up buying a fetal doubler. And although I've managed to pick the heartbeat up a few times , I'm guessing my placenta is a bit of problem for why I struggle not to. But I'm still picking the kicking and wriggling noises up. Best 60 quid I ever spent lol. With my others I had posterior and still had times where I never felt the movements maybe just where baby is lying or the sleep pattern maybe baby kicks at night when your sleeping.. a little night owl 🦉
I didn’t feel my 18 month old untill I was 24 weeks pregnant and even then I could hardly feel him I would sit with the tv remote on my tummy and watch it move up and down I as doing that all the way to the end at 36 weeks x
@Lauren yes my first! Thank you so much for sharing this, that’s really helpful and honestly put me at ease so much! I think you’re right, it’s hard to imagine what it will feel like and I’m properly expecting a lot more, and could have potentially felt things without even realising it’s baby! xxx
Posterior placenta, second pregnancy didn't really feel noticeable movements until 20 weeks. The odd movement at 19, but then got really sick. I thought something was wrong. 22 weeks tomorrow and it depends on the time of day and the day itself how active baby is.
I have posterior placenta and only started feeling delicate flutters at 20w. It will definitely happen for you soon 🤞❤️
My placenta is in the same place! I felt a few flutters week 20. Then nothing for a whole week - I even went to get checked, all was fine! Then since sat 21+4 I’ve felt what feels like gentle kicks daily Hang in there it will happen x