@Paige defo worth an ask, I’ve never requested a scan but I’ve been given them as when the tape measure happens I’m below the 25th percentile but when I have a scan I’m above the 85th! I will say that a few times my midwife has requested a scan they’ve been declined so I think it’s up to the ultrasound team rather than the midwife’s d
I'm 35+5 and had a growth scan today with baby estimated 7lb 6oz 😳 I will say though with my first child they said he'd be 10lb and he was 7lb 14oz and 5 days overdue
With my first I was told she was going to be really big and was even induced early but she was 8lb6oz which I didn't think was too bad compared to how big they'd made me think she would be. Although I'm 36+6 and at my last scan (36+1) the baby was measuring roughly 7lb2oz... lol🙈
I have a consultant app soon, I'll be over 36 weeks by then. If I ask, will they let me have a growth scan. My midwife suggested it as I had a large baby first time and complications etc Thanks