To be fair however, she’s been teething (two bottom row molars) so if she’s throwing a fit she’s 9x/10 in pain and then especially I wish someone would stare at me. Take the mindset that it’s extremely rude for people to stare at you and that’s a them problem. Not a you problem. People judge moms often but that doesn’t mean you have to accept their judgements of you, they often don’t know what they’re even judging.
@Nani THANK YOU for making me feel okay for letting my son just cry. I get so frustrated when he throws a tantrum in public bc I get pressured by others around me. I feel like i also made him get into the bad habit of getting the toy he wants just to make him stop crying😭 I don’t want him to think he can get a toy every single time we enter a store
It is definitely okay to let them scream and cry a little bit. I always make sure to explain to her she can’t get a toy right now and give her loves too if that’s what she’s crying for, but sometimes babies aren’t consolable because they’re working through a big feeling and that is 100% okay. As a momma I try and help other mommas console their babies when they get loud because I know the frustration that comes with a screaming baby.
Just had my son throw some tantrums in an airport and I figured out that signing and being silly went a long way. Granted I’m not trying to shop/do errands, but songs always seem to keep him distracted, happy, and engaged. Maybe bring a ball your son can hold throughout the store (attached somehow for your sake lol). Good luck, we are in this together. 🥸
Babies and toddlers have a hard time regulating their emotions and they have big feelings! Screw what other people think!
GWOOOOORL imma let her throw that fit every time and fk them people staring, Im about to stare back at you, and I WISH they would say something because I’m gonna take this frustration out on YOU, GROWN UP. As long as she not hurting herself she can cry and scream. If it last an extended amount of time I’m either gonna do the drama w her and start whining or we packing up and leaving. I’m not threatening you, we just gone leave bc obviously you aren’t enjoying your time out the house child. 😭😭