Totally totally normal. I was the same way I finally reached out for help with my PPA/PPR at 10m pp when I realized I had been yelling at my babies for months and couldn't calm myself down and every single day I wish I would've reached out sooner and I have such terrible mom guilt but honestly I just look at them and how much love and admiration they have for me in their eyes and take a deep breath and remind myself that every single day is a new chance to start over as a better mom 🫶🏻 it's okay mama just keep being the best mom you can be now and those early months won't affect her at all 🫶🏻
OMFGGGG!! If I could have written this myself like girl! Soooo me right now but I don’t have a second. My little is just getting older and about to start school this year so I just wanna be 100% happy and “correct” when handling them moving forward 🥹😮💨 I really felt this one mama 🥴🥹✨
Aww try not to beat yourself up. It’s a learning experience for both of you! I made so many mistakes and lost my temper very often as well as a first time mom. My kids are 18 months apart and I agree the second time seems much easier and more laid back. If your oldest is happy and healthy now I wouldn’t stress it she likely doesn’t or won’t remember any of that in the early days, and also kids are so so forgiving. All you can do is give your best. Some days that’s more and some days that’s less and that’s okay!