I’m 39+1 and my last appointment was 38+3, during that appointment my midwife has booked my sweep for my due date and referred me for an induction for when I’m 41 weeks. I’m overall low risk and if baby doesn’t come by 41 weeks I’ve decided to be induced x
I’ve had this too, exactly the same scenario down to the small baby etc. I am 38+4 today and my last apt was at 36 weeks so I rang and asked if I need one this week as the midwife said I would have, they said because I am under the consultant and have an appointment and growth scan on Friday they don’t need to see me this week unless I want a sweep (I’m being induced on Saturday so don’t see the point). But if you’ve now had your last consultant apt and growth scan j would assume you defs need another appointment booked in weather it’s midwife or consultant x
Thanks I'll wait until Thursday and ask the consultant at that point :) I'd love the option of a sweep or induction 🤞 as my pelvic pain has been excruciating the last month to the point I'm using crutches and getting no sleep at night 😅
Aww that sounds horrendous! Hopefully they will offer it on Thursday for you. Good luck with it all xx
I’m classed as high risk and red path way had last appointment at 35+6 weeks was kept over night because of high blood pressure next appointment with midwife is 39+5
I'm a low risk ftm, last appointment was 38w next is 40w. We discussed sweeps/inductions at 38w. Ask your consultant for the next steps for your circumstances best bet.
I think normally you have 38 weeks and then a 40 week appointment, I'm not sure then if they'll see you at 41 weeks aswell if you've not already had baby to discuss induction etc, I've never made it to my 40 week appointment so a little unsure 🫣😂 they'll normally offer you a sweep at 40 weeks aswell xx
Ask at your consultant appointment if you'll be seeing the midwives again, consultants can do a sweeps too so they may start offering them or you can ask x