@Natalya thank you, i have a three shelf unit thing. For babies stuff, breast pump and bottom shelf will be snacks and stuff x
Spare clothes!! Bodysuits and sleepsuits! Snacks for mum for the night feeds, lip balm, water, earphones, pain relief for the early days x
In the bedside cart I would maybe put some postpartum pads or disposable underwear, nipple cream, nipple shields if you use them, so it's easily accessible. I haven't got a cart but I've organised my bedside table to have a section for this kind of stuff.
Clean vests/ sleepsuit x
Thank you ladies😊 I've got a postpartum tray in the bathroom with disposable underwear, pads and will put Spritz for bits and peri bottle in there once I'm back from the hospital I'll take everything on board that you've said for the cart next to my bed. Nipple shields I'm gonna see how I get onnwith breast feeding first because the ones I've seen are £40 🤣 x
I've got a bedside cart and then a nappy caddy for downstairs 😅 in the bedside one on the top I've got nappies wipes, sudocrem, nipple balm, lip salve and some reusable breast pads, the middle tier I've actually got my extension lead (I don't have a bedside table just this cart) with my phone charger etc on, then muslins, spare bedsheets for the next to me and breastpads, I'll probably pop a spare change of clothes or two in somewhere too at some point! Then on the bottom I've just got bibs currently I think! I've got the bins, muslins and nappies in those draw organiser boxes too as find them good just to keep them all in one place! The downstairs caddy just has wipes, nappies, nappy bags, sudocrem and muslins in, I've got a 1 year old in nappies too so will have both sets downstairs, he has some in his room upstairs as is just in pull-ups! X
Next to the bed I always have: Nappies, wipes, muslins, bibs, nappy cream, nappy bags, extra dummy, spare clothes, spare bedsheet and spare swaddle/sleep bag. I didn’t breastfeed my first so didn’t need any bits and bobs for that, however may do with my second. Just basically put anything spare in there for the case of most eventualities so it’s easy to grab during the night. Will be stocking more heavily this time round so I don’t have to sneak into the nursery and risk waking my toddler if we need a spare outfit etc in the middle of the night!
Nappies Wipes Muslins Bibs Nappy cream Also have calpol and teething stuff but I have a toddler Also haven’t heard of anyone having a bed side cart just a nappy caddy 1 up and 1 downstairs