
You guys my son is killing me. I have a baby who's starting to crawl and I keep having to pull food out of her mouth my son keeps throwing on the floor. He can't sit still, won't sit at a table to eat. Doesn't matter if I vacuum and clean up after him I can't seem to find all of it. My house isn't the cleanest but my husband and I have worked hard to make sure the rooms she's always in never have food on the floor. I'm afraid she's gonna choke or have an allergic reaction to something. And no the baby hates being in her stander, play pen. She has to be held or crawl or she's screaming. Has anything worked with your autism kiddos? Is there a way I can keep him from throwing food everywhere? He's also a floor eater and likes spitting out and dumping all liquids. I'm drowning and I don't know what to do. Hes 3 btw so I don't know how much I can do. Also if anyone has any cleaning hacks to help with the mess my son leaves everywhere it would be appreciated. Not just food but toys and anything he can get his hands on
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Okay. For toys if your dish washer had a gentle setting. Most plastic non-battery toys can go in the dish washer. I did this a few times. Even without the gentle setting. On the top rack only. Sometimes I throw smaller ones in a laundry bag, lay it as flat as possible in the top dish washer rack and wash them like that. I also forgot about the stickers and washed off a few stickers. 🥲 Non battery stuffed animals can go in the gentle cycle of your washing machine. I’d recommend air drying but if you have an air dry setting or even 5-10 minutes in the dryer in the lowest heat then that has worked for me.

Dollar store shower curtains, ideally ones you can put in the washing machine. Just block off what areas you can with the baby gates and lay down a few of these shower curtains and it should help. With some mess it is not perfect but it should reduce your clean up time. Shorter more exciting high chair time. Build it up and make it worth it. Start with non food. Like a play mat or sensory play like a chia pudding. Like one minute. Then sign all done and wash up. Also shower curtain under high chair is also good. Once he’s excited by one minute chair time, or has learned the all done sign, you can build it up for longer. I say a minute per age. So you’ll probably only get 3 minutes. But sometimes you can chain together 3 minutes of play with 3 minutes of eating. I can only get my 5 year old to sit for 10 minutes and that’s with a visual timer.

Message me if you need more help brainstorming ideas. A lot of the beginning feels like trial and error. And it helps a lot to talk it out.

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