I’m scared

I’m literally shitting bricks I had a growth scan today 😭 I’m 36 +4 days and he’s measuring big at 7lb 5 so I’m being induced on the 1st march this is my first baby I was fine all along now I’m scared I have to have my third gestational diabetes test because his belly is measuring big , I’m not bothered about the diabetes test. It’s being induced what if he’s massive and I can’t push him out I’m just scared 😭😭😭😭
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I had the same issue yesterday, they measured baby big & said I could have diabetes & will need to see the doctor today which I did & he did another scan & measured baby less than what they got on Monday. This baby is also weighing less than my son did when he was born at 37 weeks & that’s what they’re comparing it to now. I’m 36+5 today & they’re gonna let it happen naturally till about 39 weeks & if baby isn’t here then they will induce me

Don’t stress too much. Ask for another scan say you wanna get a second opinion coz if they went with my yesterdays scan & babies belly measuring but then God knows what would’ve been the case now

It’s ok. Scans are not accurate. Nothing to worry about. The only way to know a baby’s weight is when they’re born 😊

Growth scans are notoriously wrong, you don’t have to agree to the induction at all! With my first I was told he was the same size as yours at that stage, he was born a week late at 41+1 from spontaneous labour at 7lb 11oz so not big by any means x

I'm having the GD test on Friday as at my growth scan today baby was measuring 7lb 6oz at 35+5. Please try not to worry! They told me my first was estimated 10lb and he was born 7lb 14oz and 5 days overdue. Also my induction with him was a really positive experience too x

I had a growth scan on Friday at 35+4 baby was measuring 5lbs and they told me because baby hasn't had a steady growth line ( 2 different growth lines ) that i need another scan at 37 weeks, if he's on the lower line then I'm being induced that week and if he goes back to I'm being induced no later than 39 weeks. Ask for a second scan / second opinion. Do your research as you can turn down an induction. My sister declined all inductions and interventions and went into labour naturally between 41-42 weeks and her little girl is as healthy as anything. You also don't need to go down the vaginal birth route you could always request an elective c section. X

My first baby was 7lb2oz and I needed a repair job because she came so quickly. Second baby was a whopper at 9lb. He came slow and steady, was a much better delivery. So big doesn't always mean bad!

Hi Lucy. My first was 9lb and I birthed vaginally just fine and I’m only 5ft2. Your baby is the perfect size for your body. You can do this xx

Hi im 36+6 days today and had my last growth scan today, my baby girl is weighing 7lbs 14. I have type 1 diabetes so have always been told that my baby will be a bigger baby and most babies with diabetic mothers have big bellies, I am having a C section on 20th Feb at 38 weeks. My baby is healthy and I just want to make sure I have the safest delivery that has been advised to me by the medical professionals. A lot of the time the growth scans aren't accurate though, but if you are feeling anxious definately talk to your midwife about all options.

just remember "bigger the baby the easier the labour" dont worry about the efw of birth he may be smaller or bigger there is no need to be worried xx

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