@Mei Haha yes, cook.
What are the things your toddler does eat, even if they aren't healthy? (I'm going somewhere with this, bear with me 😆)
@Mei he doesn’t love anything tbh..
My son is the same, he only likes fish and potato’s. I’ve tired so many different foods and textures, it’s like he won’t eat any food that is ‘soggy’ it has to be dry and crunchy, but he won’t eat chicken or veg, he can’t stand fruit cause it’s mushy. So I have to get smoothie melts which are freeze dried and he will eat those cause it’s crunchy and dry. I’m hoping the older he gets the less fussier he will become, he’s currently 18 months old.
@Kirstie Exsctly the same as me! my lo is 20 months so similar aswell. What else do you do? I feel like he’s missing out on like snacks like cucumber and fruit and stuff 😫it’s so annoying
Mine is/was the same😬 baby girl still has the same texture issues and desire to eat potatoes and she’s about to be three 🫠 yes she’ll put other food in her mouth but she won’t actually chew/swallow it
Are they just not hungry or they don't like it? What I would do is go find a breakable dish and make a snack plate with meats, cheese, veggies, dip, and something the toddler does usually eat. Go sit somewhere talking about how good your snack is. If the toddler wants your food great, it was theirs anyways. If not maybe its just a hunger thing, or maybe smoothies would work better.
I gave up trying to be fancy with my toddler. He doesn’t eat most things. I was making all these cute dishes and he would just not eat. I just give him what he wants and make it as healthy as possible. PB and J, butter noodles with cheese, pizza and a cheese sandwhich or quesadilla are my best bet and he will always eat a banana. Other than that I know he won’t it eat. I try to make him try foods on my plate. He likes cream cheese now but it’s a struggle.
I tried everything to be honest, cut out shapes, tried smoothies, the only one thing I can do to get veggies into him is buy the veggie fingers and every now and again he will eat them, apart from that nothing else has worked. I just put multi vitamins and probiotics in his morning milk. My nephew was the same when he was younger and since he tuned 4 he now eats absolutely everything and loves all types of food so I’m just hoping he takes the same route. But yeah try the veggie fingers and see if they work.
@Kirstie oh good to hear. Is your little one speaking much?x
He will imitate some sounds but he won’t say words, and when he has said like dada in the past he will only say it for a few days then stop completely.. he makes sounds more than anything, so like row row row your boat where you say if you see a crocodile don’t forget to scream, he will scream.. and if a song has quacking noises he will quack.. it’s like he knows what to say but he just refuses. I’ve really struggled with it tbh. Does your little one speak much?
@Kirstie similar again he does animal sounds says wow and mama dada when he wants to. But no proper words x
You’re probably feeling as stressed about it as me then 😭 it’s so difficult isn’t it? It honestly goes through my mind 24/7 and makes me feel awful. Family members have recently suggested he may be autistic but then others are saying he will get there in his own time and how their child didn’t speak till after they were 2 and then they was talking all the time. So I’m unsure if to get him tested or wait till he’s 2 and then see how he’s progressing x
My cousin has just told me about an app called chat GPT and how it’s really good so I’ve just downloaded it (about 10 mins ago) and I’ve asked for some hacks on how to help a fussy child eat and it’s gave some pretty good responses . I’ll post the answers now hopefully it can help us 😂 x
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@Kirstie so many boy mums I’ve spoke to recently say about there even 2 year old isn’t speaking and to wait until nearly 3.. I didn’t speak till 2 ish so it’s obviously normal. & thanks for that!! Xx
Yeah same! I think I compare a lot to my daughter and I shouldn’t. I had her 13 years ago so it’s a big gap but she was so much more interactive. But yeah I’m gunna see how he goes and I’m sure he will start gabbing soon.. and you’re very welcome, hope it helps ❤️ x
Is "cool" meant to say "feed"?