I've let mine lick some raw veggies to tide him over till he can actually eat lol
I swore my baby would watch me eat. We just left my 4 month appt and we were given the ok for purées.
@Phylicia lol yeah I’m just like sorry you gotta wait a little longer!!
@Teela lol I thought of giving him a taste of something the other day but then I got anxiety about it 😅
My daughter put her hand in my mouth while I was eating 😂 trying to grab food lol
@Nicole i was too! Guess they've changed the guidelines and want kids eating solids sooner...used to be 6 months. My ped was adamant we need to give her peanut butter before 6 months
@Nicole oh I definitely think they’re watching us lol!!
@Rebecca omg lmaooo the disrespect
@Maria it was so rude and it was a cookie lol
Yes! My boy is leaning into the food on our plates and watching us eat/reaching for it!
Yess my baby will mock you chewing or watch you eat the entire time lol
@Sarah omg that sounds so adorable 😭
@Miracle hahaha not the mock you chewing!! Babies are so smart!
lol YES he cries when we don’t give gun any especially meats
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@Maria Girrll yesss my son don’t make it any better by saying “ she can’t have a piece of my cereal ? “ he think when I say she can get some cereal soon he thinks I’m talking about his Apple Jacks 🤣
I swear my LO watches us eat! I let him suck on a strawberry & he was so mad when I took it away. He’s also sucked on a mango & he got super ticked when I pulled it away.
My boy had his 4m appointment today and we got the go ahead to start on purees!!!
Mine too. I ignore him 😅. Or I watch him as he watches me lol. I know his tummy can’t handle the food yet lmao