My little boy had a temp of 38.5nover the weekend, I find ibuprofen brings his temp down so much better than calpol. He has two molars dropping in which is what I put the temp down to!
I was told a teething fever would never get that high. They say over 38 and you should be calling 111 / GP etc. what is he like in himself? Nappies? Eating / drinking? Xx
Sorry ladies.. correction his fever is 38.9 🥴🥴
Nurofen is a lot more effective in bringing it down. I think it was 38.5 for us
@Alex I was giving calpol paracetamol all day but I just found out about calprofen being more effective for this so gave him a dose of that and will continue to just use that through the night xx
We got to about 38.6
@Claire oh really, yeah In hindsight I should’ve been giving him that instead of Calpol paracetamol. I just gave him a dose of the calprofen now and will make sure I give that instead of the paracetamol one xx
@Sophie yikes really? The whole day he’s been very very sensitive. Stuck to my chest, crying, chewing his fingers, unable to eat solids, I offered additional breast feeds which he didn’t refuse and kept him close. Just checked the temperature again and it’s 38.9. Maybe I should call 111 just to be on the safe side. He did get his 1yr Jabs 5 days ago 🤔 and didn’t get a fever after that.. i wonder if it’s delayed.. or maybe it is just the teething. We did take a flight over the weekend and were in a much colder climate than we’re used to aswell
I would ring 111 as the temperature should’ve go above 38°C when teething (got told by my health visitor) and especially if calpol isn’t bringing it down then that would prompt me to call them for advice x
The 1 year jabs are known to give a fever 5-10 days after (it says on NHs and websites so it could be that. Always check with 111 though if you’re not sure!
@Eisha i would! When mine was in the same sort of way, I did as his behaviour was so out of character too. You know your baby but mine would never get that upset or temp that high just from teething. X
@Holly oh wow never knew that! Maybe it is related to the jabs then. Called 111 they told us to head to urgent care xx
@Eisha hope you’re all okay xx
@Sophie thanks so much hun for checking up. so the Dr didn’t think the fever was from teething or the jabs, he thinks it’s from a viral thing and gave me antibiotics to give him incase he still has a fever in 48hrs. He suggested giving calpol but alternating the doses between Calpol paracetamol and calprofen. Little one just woke up and I took his temperature again.. it’s 39.3 now 😫 will take it easy today and keep monitoring him xx
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@Eisha oh bless him! Same as what happened to mine. Viruses are so hard on them 😪 it’s horrible when they’re not themselves x
@Eisha glad you’ve got something! My son had a viral infection a few weeks ago that ended up in a hospital trip and antibiotics! Took a few days before we saw the temperature come down though and for us the only thing that worked was the combination of ibuprofen and calpol. Thankfully he’s fine now though!
We had same temperature and call didn’t bring it down much, so the doctor advised to give ibuprofen in between, and this helped
Have you tried calprofen? X