I would get to his level and say you have hurt mummy and explain it’s not kind. Have an area you put him into calm down I can imagine this is so hard on you mentally and don’t feel bad for removing yourself from where he is. I would remove toys if they was involved ❤️
That's yeh everytime he does that I do say that really hurts mama, some of the times he actually stopped and pointed at his bite mark and few times he laughed ...
@Ange any concerns you have stuff he’s watching around ? X
@Fay removing toys? He loves his cars 🚗 so much like the only thing he plays with every single day. If I remove them, wouldn't that make him sad and more frustrated?
I tell mine kind hands or gentle touch while I demonstrate it with his hands and if you are holding him put him down or if he is on the bed or sofa with you put him down immediately. Whenever I said no hitting it got worse so I stopped saying it.
@Ange I only mean if he was hitting you because you said no to his cars also try explaining why you have said no to him we can’t play with cars right now but once I’ve done … we can x
That must be so hard. He's doing it to you because he feels safest with you, but that doesn't make it okay. I've never been in this position, so I'm not sure what to suggest. Have you shown him other ways to express his frustration, maybe throwing balls at the wall, belly breathing or breaking ice? I don't think telling him no and walking away will teach him how to deal with his emotions, unfortunately, just make him more upset. Even though he's laughing, I don't think he genuinely finds it funny, he's just looking for a response from you. I promise you he's not a horrible boy, just a little guy with big emotions 💙
My little one can be a bit like this and it’s so hard not to take it to heart. I’ve done a bit of research and I def tell her firmly ‘that hurts’ but from what I’ve read until they are three, there’s not much point reasoning with them, they are testing boundaries/ cause and effect. The advice I’ve had is say no and move away/ ignore (if you can) and/ or remove a favourite toy so they associate that with what happens when they bite/ hit. Sorry I feel Like that’s much harsher advice than others but it does seem to work for me. I follow this woman called bratbusters on insta and I find her quite helpful. X
How old is he? Give a firm boundary and don't let him cross it. It'll teach him to be a little more extreme next time to get what he wants (this goes for adults who like to test boundaries too 🙄). He knew scratching worked, when it didn't, he tried pinching. It's going to suck for a while but if you say no, don't give in. They're really smart and will catch on quickly. They also know super quickly who's the softy.
It’s normal for them to act out their emotions at this age and our job is to teach them how it isn’t okay to do so. You shouldn’t let him doing so. It is very much teachable and it requires tough love, meaning you need to not pay attention to him when he does it, let him know why it was wrong and what he needs to do next, which is to apologise to you and ask you nicely for things he wants, or talk to you in a calmly manner. You need to be a mum and not let him continuing on with this as it will make him thinks that it is normal and fine for him to do so. You need to be firm, and letting him cry for a minute isn’t going to be the worst thing.
Gentle parenting isn’t for every kid I learned when mine starts being a little difficult. Read books and articles. Do what’s best for you. Also I see that he is 2years old she is still kinda a baby this is the age where they start understanding more fix the issue before she is 3 my child is 3 and is being overly difficult but he knows that he doesn’t hit,bite,slap,scratch. If you let her do it to you once that’s enough for them to keep doing it. This one mom told me that holding their hands if they try to hit you and raise your voice( not screaming) and explain it’s not right they will catch on. Sometimes you have to be rough instead of being gentle… ( my person opinion!
My little boy is nearly 3 and he started doing this when he was 2 and a bit. With him i found it was either boredom or over whelmed. If we are at home i hv a toy box he has no access to and we put toys away and choose something new to play with from there, usually this would stop his behaviour. I would always correct him and tell him he had hurt me. Eventually he would ask me himself for a new toy and he doesnt hit me anymore If he was overwhelmed if we were out and about id try and take him away from situation so just me and him and talk to him quietly until he calmed down. 💕 it will get better I know its emotionally draining for you aswell. Makes u sad but will get better! Xx
Sometimes you need to pop tht azz.. not beat but a little pow pow we don’t do that
I’m not a boy mum but my daughter went through a stage of hitting/scratching and I felt like everything we were doing was wrong or making it worse. It was usually when she was overstimulated/excited. I read a lot of different stuff and basically what worked for us was holding her hands when it happened and saying “ouch, you hurt me” and then immediately putting her down and stop whatever it was we were doing. Then with her hands demonstrate gentle touch. If she was really overwhelmed, we’d take her to a step and sit with her and count on our fingers until she calmed down and then try and explain why it was not nice. We also taught her “calm” with big hand movements and deep breaths but made it funny with exaggerated breathing etc and saying “caaaaaaaalm”. This helps in public when we get her to sit on the floor. Now if we’re home she’ll run to the step to do this! It took a really long time for it to catch on but we had no other ideas and eventually it helped.
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Sorry that was really long 🫠 my last thing I think really helped was having both parents or whoever spends a lot of time with you and your son to reinforce it with you. So when my daughter lashed out, if my husband was around, he’d step in and reinforce that it wasn’t nice and would also do all the exercises with her too.
@Ange of course he will hate it having something he likes removed but that's discipline.. 'we cannot play with toys when you're hurting mummy' My son kicked me yesterday out of frustration (he's just got a new baby brother) and I simply took his hand went to his room and said you cannot be with mummy when you're hurting me.. came back two minutes later when he calmed down and explained again and then he was happy as Larry as he apologised
He bit me and I bit him back. He got the picture really fast. Sorry you’re going through this mama. My kid kicks my butt daily. But mostly from just being too rough.
Oh babe i’m so sorry that really sucks and must break your heart! How do you respond? My little man is only 15 months so no advice but if it were me I’d probably try to get across that what he is doing hurts and makes you feel sad, and if possible put a bit of physical distance in to protect yourself like put him in a playpen or something till he calms down? It would be good if someone else like his dad could affirm this to him too so he knows not to treat you like that. You’re doing the right thing not letting him do what he wants so definitely carry on being firm with that (easier said than done I know!)