Just started using nhs couch to 5k quite nice helping me plus it’s motivating
@Jade maybe I need to look at going to more classes, that might help. I just seem to lose track of time at home to do anything... I'd say I should get up early but my baby is an early riser!
I started working out again when baby was 11 weeks I think? I used to feed her first and then leave a bottle of milk with MIL and then I’d feed her when I got back. Baby is 9,5 months now and when she started solids I found it a lot easier to work out as did it round her feeding schedule so have a consistent time I work out. I used to CrossFit but I’m not back at that level yet and I’m currently training for GNR so running has mainly being my focus
I do yoga I find it helps with my aches and it’s easy to start and affective
I’m EBF, I do a boxercise and fitness class where you can take babies along. One of them normally falls over his nap time so he’s in the pram for that. The main issue is my sports bra being difficult to navigate so I take a normal bra to swap straight after and we feed before we leave. We do a Pilates class which is less problematic. Between those I do Apple fitness at home whilst my little boy plays around me. Honestly, I a oh sh I’d done more classes when my baby was less mobile. It can be quite distracting chasing him around a gym with lots of other mums.