Mine hasn't, mine wants it even more 💕
My husband never lost interest. For us, sex often is like once a week, once every two weeks sometimes.
Husband wants it everyday but I can’t be doing all that😭😂
Everyday or every other day. 🎆
1-2 times per week I have higher sex drive than him but he is always ready
My husband wants it all the time, my sex drive on the other hand has went down a lot though. I’m lucky he’s very understanding and just watches our videos he has from the past 10 years of our relationship most nights to help himself, but he’s ready the second I am when I do want it😅.
3xs or more a week
I don’t. I don’t want to 🤷🏼♀️😂
3-4* a week since 6w old. Well at first it was 1-2* then got more frequent as he got older. He would have it every day if it was up to him.
I’m almost never in the mood. I think he wants me more after having kids. He could be tired or stressed, that often kills sex drive.
I'm the one that doesn't have the energy. It's not that I don't want to, I'm just too tired. He's always ready to go
I have four kids. We still have sex 3-4 times a week.
Ugh, sex drive is very low due to BF
If you're man lost interest in you there's probably another woman involved
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Sex?? What's that lol (I don't have sex) I have 4 kids....but I just don't want it these days.
Mine has gotten More interested actually It comes in waves. Sometimes only once a week, sometimes almost every day. But once a week is usually the minimum.
Mine refused to have sex while I was pregnant but once the baby was born he wants to all the time I’m the one whose not interested for many reasons
My husband never lost interest. I did due to my depression. But we also agreed that making sure love, passion, romance helps us a lot. I personally don’t want sex as often so I do it for him
before this pregnancy, it was once a week, sometimes more sometimes less, but it took a while to get there, not because my partner lost interest but because i did after having my first baby, i didn’t have a very high sex drive, i was exhausted constantly, and i just had a hard time wanting sex. once i was in the middle of sex, it was fine but the lead up id be like im too tired etc. i then saw an article that was about relationships and giving and taking, and how sex is important etc so i started making myself have sex more, it didn’t bother me having sex i just couldn’t be bothered so i started making myself have sex, and again once i was doing it, it was fine and i enjoyed it🤣 if you’re concerned with your partner and him losing interest, maybe sit down with him and chat with him about how you’re feeling etc because you have needs as well and relationships are all about compromise xx
You girls are so lucky 🍀 🥹 mine is just not interested and tells me sex is over rated 😅 there’s no other woman, he just romances with his reading and work 😏 when I showed him that I’m interested he used to brush me off which hurt my ego so I stopped. Anyways not every one is as fortunate I guess.
My husband’s sex drive has been the same before and after having kids. The only time he doesn’t want to have sex is when he’s just really tired. He’s our only source of income and our closest help is 2,500 miles away so he cares for our home/ baby a lot. We have a “rule” of never going 7+ days without sex. Intimacy is very important to us as a couple, and our relationship is the foundation for our family. We’ve noticed that if we go too long without sex, we argue a little more and the overall stress level in our home rises. Like it’s literally how we release stress and reconnect as a team
Mine has never gone off it 🤣 sometimes I wish he had haha! 13 years later and 3 kids, youngest is 9 months old, sometimes we go 2 weeks without, sometimes once / twice a week or sometimes up to 4 times a week just completely depends x
1-3 times a week currently
Perhaps you should consider some counseling. That sounds like it maybe does hurt your feelings
Not that often