Water with a little bit of cranberry juice, my little guy loves it!
My little boy only drinks squash. Either Orange, Apple & Blackcurrant or Summer Fruits.
My son loves strawberry or watermelon juice, always watered down
Water and milk. Used to give pear juice when she was younger and would get constipated
Mixing apple juice and water! (My sister in laws swear by this)
Just water and milk. My little one's happy with that, and I figure if it ain't broke, don't fix it! 😊
Any type of fruit or veggie Smoothies, I add milk. They love apple juice and water in my house too.
Milk and water only 95% of the time. There’s really only downsides health wise to any other options but of course i do allow the odd chocolate milk or juice especially outside of our house. It’s important to me that he grows up with good habits like water drinking and the more they get juice etc. the more they want that and the less they want water
Water, oat milk, watered down fruit juice, occasionally a fruit shoot if we’re out somewhere
Water is the main drink and occasionally pure orange juice small amount with breakfast and also coconut water . No other drinks
My nephew loves apple juice, and sometimes grape juice. But mainly prefers water over juice!