We co slept when he was a baby so getting our son to sleep in his own room was tough. We tried to not make a big deal of it before bed, new pjs and more talk of what we could do in the morning after he had a big sleep. When he would wake, we’d take him back and re settle, some nights he’d end up with us and we’d say let’s try again tomorrow and praise the time he did sleep in his own bed. Think too much negativity and ‘big boy’ talk didn’t always help with him. I always said he wakes and needs a cuddle I can come and tuck him in, but I was only next room having my big sleep, so he didn’t feel he was ‘alone’ all night. Reward charts helped slightly, with a reward after a few days but I found too many days without anything didn’t encourage him to sleep! some may not approve but he got a treat (choc button or little yoyo shapes when he sleeps in his own bed. Now we’ve swapped it and he has a ‘sweetie’ which is actually a vitamin! He’s done a few weeks without waking now!
Thanks both. I'm not above a sweet reward, that's definitely something up her street. I'm trying sleeping on a mattress on her floor tonight and hoping I can gradually retreat
Not much of advice but I feel your pain. My daughter was an amazing sleeper till recently, now bedtime is a battle every night and she doesn’t want to be alone and keeps waking up at night. Think they go through a lot of development changes at this age so I’m just telling myself it’s a stage and it will pass😅 hopefully soon as I miss my sleep😭😂
We have just picked up a rewards chart to go on the fridge to award good behaviour. One of those is sleeping in her bed all night, it helped a bit last night as she was excited to get a star…. Not sure how long/well it will work but I will try anything! Our 3 yr old is often up 20 times in the night if we don’t sleep in her room (refuse to now after having a sore back 😅). It’s reassuring to know other people are struggling with this though, as maybe it is just a developmental thing and will pass soon! Good luck!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Following. My nearly 4 year old does exactly the same and tries to sneak in bed with me before my partner comes up every night!