Relationship related

Hi mommas, I’m currently almost a month post-partum and my partner is already complaining that I I’m ignoring him in the bedroom(intimacy) and focusing on the baby more. I really am not trying to ignore him. I’m a first time mum, a mum to rainbow baby, i am still trying to figure out the ropes. My question is how long post-partum did you resume intimacy. I know it’s quite personal but any advice would be helpful as this would be my second year in marriage. I am really overwhelmed and stressed at this moment. Feel like i am failing before I even started
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What a sucky partner, he should not be rushing you. Your body will let you know when you are ready.

3 months, and he didn’t push at all, I made the first move. You literally gave birth to a baby a month ago, tell him to sod off

No rush! It’s all on your terms! Never ever sleep with anyone (in this case your partner) if you don’t feel like it. And if he continues to moan and feel neglected then my advice would be to go and talk to someone. He needs to understand that you just gave birth, you need all the time to heal. And he needs to support you, everyday! ♥️

Currently on 7 weeks and my husband has been really understanding. I still don't quite feel ready yet. Everyone moves and recovers at their own pace. And quite frankly being postpartum makes you feel gross (in my experience). Tell him to grow up

Bare minimum is 6 weeks to allow the wound from your placenta attachment to heal and to not get infected. Dr's will sign off when it's OK to resume physically. But you sign off whenever you WANT to resume regardless of that (after 6 weeks) Remember you are hyper fertile right after birth too

The answer is going to be different for everyone. The right answer of when to start is when you personally feel comfortable and want to. It's not right of your partner to put this pressure on you. Your body and hormones are still recovering from birth and pregnancy and taking care of a newborn is hard. It's totally understandable that that side of your relationship is not going to be a priority at all right now and your partner should be able to understand and respect that.

5 months

6 months for me as my c section scar kept reopening. My partner was very patient with me and knew it wasn't my fault but had tough days with pure sexual frustration that sometimes ended up in a rant about something small. I knew it was hard for him so I just let him express his emotions but he'd always come give me a hug and admit it wasn't what I was doing just sexual frustration that messes with his mood and apologised and tell me he knew why he just didn't like it. I felt like I wasn't a good wife but my body needed to heal and he let it. I sent him sexy messages when I couldn't and dressed up for him when I could finally be intimate again. I think it's a hard situation especially when sex is normally the smoothest it's been just as you get pregnant lol.

Its coming upto 7 and his been so understanding as I just don't feel comfortable with my body yet. But I am thinking about trying soon. He should be understanding you been through a lot and your mind and body needs to heal and be ready. I had a traumatic birth and he was there so he understands. I think speak to your partner he should understand.

About 4 months for me! I was in so much pain but my husband never asked and let me come to him when I was ready! Your partner sounds like he needs a reality check you’ve just had a baby for gods sake!

You really shouldn’t in the first 6 weeks anyway whilst you’re healing. After that then it’s up to you and when you’re ready ❤️ sorry your partner isn’t being supportive!

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