If this makes you feel better . My son will be nine months in two weeks and still wakes up three times a night xx
I think some babies are just bad sleepers no matter what 😂 my 1st woke for a bottle every night until past 1yr old My July baby slept 7-7 until about 4months. We are now 7 months and sleep is worse than ever 😂 He’s waking so much that about 12/1pm I put him in our bed with us so that I can just deal with him in bed rather than going to his room 😂 We have 3 meals a day, bottles every 4 hours.. including night time!!! We have tried longer naps, shorter naps, later naps, earlier naps, earlier bed time, later bed time… nothing works so I’m just rolling with it at the min and accepting this is what he’s like 😅 He hates contact naps, snuggles and his dummy so when he wakes I literally have no control over helping him back asleep 😂😂😂🙈
It’s not nice, but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one in this boat then 🤣 I would honestly rather no sleep than the broken sleep, it’s a killer! I think I need to do the same and just accept it is what it is 🤣🤣🤣🤣
😂 honestly it’s like he senses when I shut my eyes and wakes up. So annoying I’ve tried changing everything to see if anything helps but no luck 🥲😂
Yep, mine is 7 months, up 5-8 times a night, breast fed and on 3 weaning meals a day. Typically has a 30 minute nap each time but sometimes falls back asleep if contact napping /near the boob for an extra 30-60 minutes a couple of times a week. It’s been like this since 5 months old for us
Yeppp we never recovered from the 4 month sleep regression - we started gentle sleep training last week which was going brilliantly and he was sleeping through (after waking up like every hour) and then I think we’ve hit the 8 month sleep regression because he now has really bad separation anxiety and unless we’re holding him will scream and scream soooooo yes i feel you 🤣
Me too LO is 6 months old on saturday and hasn’t been a great sleeper since the 4 month regression. Every night is different she could wake only twice or could be up 6 times like you said. Past 3 nights she’s been waking at 3/4 in the morning and taking over an hour to get back to sleep. She’s just wide awake for no reason. Also don’t know what to do she’s also on 2/3 meals a day with bottles in between has 1 bottle feed in the night i’m out of ideas