Yeah that’s sounds very normal I think we went rough roughly 15 nappies a day in the first 3 months! Very good sign that they are getting enough milk 😊it will all become easier soon x
As they get older they have bigger but less frequent feeds, pees and poos which means slowly fewer diapers per day to change. It’s truly a full time job for quite a while though!
Hey mama. First of all you’re doing a great job! It’s exhausting but I promise all of these things will pass and you’ll find your rhythm so soon that you’ll look back and see how well you’ve done. The first few months is so normal for these babies to go through so many nappies. Change as regularly as needed, especially soiled nappies - you don’t want a red bum on baby. I have two boys, a 2 year old and a 3 month old and yes, I was changing nappies like it was nobody’s business for about 4 months with my first and still am with my 3 month old all. I generally am doing at least 2 nappies every time baby is awake and once every time he wakes up overnight. They go through less when they are older. My two year old goes through about 4 per day now as he is now learning to control his bladder so he has a dry nappy for longer…sometimes I just change the nappy even when it’s dry so he has a fresh one on. You’ve got this, remember this: the days are long but the years are short.
2hrs. He napped for 2hrs so just before he goes down, and as soon as he wakes basically. I go through 10-12 a day when newborn. I was using so much it disgusted me how much waste both me and him were putting in landfill (as a new mum w a baby) so when he sized up to size 1 I changed over to cloth osfm completely and I felt a lot better 😂 I just washed and reused those for the next 2yrs. I think when he was 8m he had gastro teething poops he went through 50 cloth diapers in 3 days I remember thinking “thank God I don’t have to buy and run out anymore”. He was pooping like every 10-15mins
I think we did every 3 hours unless she’d pooped in between. We just did a routine of change- feed- burp- play/sleep- start again. It does feel like it’s all you do for a while! Hang in there, it doesn’t last forever
I checked it every hour and changed it sometimes every hour, some days it would be a max of 3 hours. Some days you'd pick them up after 20 minutes and think your squidgy and check and the nappy is blue and quiet full, and think my that was a big wee baba. So anywhere from 8 to 15 nappies a day. I tried to use reusables every so often to save cost.
I changed my baby whenever she needed changing, never left her in a dirty nappy for a long period of time. Having a nappy rash is way worse than having to change a nappy every 10 mins. However as they get older, they go through less. Being a mum is hard but it’s worth every second!
I changed nappies constantly when my baby was a newborn, he would poop literally 6-12 times a day (breastfeeding). Now he's 8.5m old and poops twice a day and change his nappy every 3ish hours!
For the first two / three months I felt like all I did was change nappies. My boy pooped constantly ! It was like a running tap! And then when he hit 3/4 months he stopped pooping as much at night and day times got more regular and now we average 6 or so changes a day with wet nappies and a couple of poops. You’re doing great, hang in there and change those nappies haha! You’ll be able to do it anywhere soon!x
You’re doing great! Sounds about right. It will slow down as they get a bit bigger! Hang in there
I’d say that’s pretty normal. It doesn’t just feel it, you quite literally are changing nappies, feeding, burping and soothing 24/7. Luckily the nappies reduce as they get older but it is like a full time job xx
We have always changed our babies just before or just after feeding. Unless she poops then that gets changed immediately.
Every 3 hours but nursery do every 4
Normal for that age!
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Sounds normal. I change my baby girls anytime it’s dirty. She’s 3 months now and she still pees and poops after each feeding. At night, however, I will change her only once even if she wakes up two or three times, unless she pooped. I don’t want any chances of a diaper rash so I’d rather change them than take the risk.
I used to change nappies constantly even if they baby had a week but we have to be mindful that their skin is extremely sensitive and leaving them dirty will cause skin irritation and rash. It gets better as they age
At this age it's the hardest because they poo so often but it slows down and gets easier! From about 5-6 weeks their poops get less frequent. My girl went 4 days without a poo (EBF) at this point and now goes every 2 I change her when her nappy is full or if she's done a poo. I changed her when she needed to be changed.
When mine were this age I changed them every 2 hours around the clock. Basically every time I fed them and sometimes in between feeds if they pooed.