How old is she? Just be patient. My little one was the exact same and now she is confidently walking and loving it. Just take the pressure off yourself and her - one day it will just click and she will be off.
My son didn’t walk till 16 months and one day he just got up and started walking about, she will do it when she’s ready ♥️
Just be patient, she’s clearly not ready yet. Even if you speak to the HV, they won’t make any referrals until age 2 and even then, if they’re showing signs of walking like holding your hand and walking, you might not get a referral either.
My little girl only started walking a month ago, she is still extremely wobbly and I would not call her an independent walker. We raised concerns and were referred to a Physiotherapist, they are actually what got her taking her first steps! So it’s always worth asking for a referral if you think it might help :)
Biggest tip I can give is just wait, take the pressure off. She’ll do it when she’s ready.