Hey, I also have gd! I’m completely diet controlled and found out at 29 weeks, I agree it’s probably your fasting bloods that are causing you to need the medication, although your lunch and dinner sugars are good your fasting is genuinely too high, it’s great for a after meal sugar! I typically manage mine with portion control maybe look into that and keep them down that way! I hope that helps x
My levels needed to be under 5.3 for fasting, which they never did on their own/with diet so I had to start taking insulin injections in my stomach the night before. And after meals. If you’re testing 2 hours after eating, they wanted my levels under 6.7. My dinners never got below 6.7 so I had to go on another form of insulin injections in my stomach. So those are all still high. I would rather take metformin (even though it can cause 💩) over the needles I was taking. Those were not fun to do while at restaurants, concerts, plays, shopping, etc etc.
My fasting readings are up and down, sometimes a bit over 5.3 and other times under. All other readings are well in range. I’ve had an appointment today where my midwife wanted me to start metformin but I expressed some discomfort with it when the readings are so variable but the baby is still progressing right on track (been at the 50th percentile on growth scans over the last 5 weeks). Consultant agreed with me so we’re giving it another week to see if things even out or if I do need to start on metformin (given I’m now at 32 weeks, which is when it typically starts getting harder to control I think I will end up on it). Basically, I’d suggest looking at everything and use BRAIN to make sure you’ve really understood all the pros and cons and how they apply to your situation.
I assume it will be for your fasting sugars as they should be under the 5.3, that’s the hardest to control as it’s hormones over night. My levels in the day were always ok with diet but fasting just didn’t go down only the medication helped.