Please tell me I'm not in the same boat!
My little girl has been refusing to eat evening meals since just before she turned 2. So we're now 3 months in of her point blank refusing tea time meals. She would originally scream and cry and refuse to get in her highchair ( following advice from our health visitor we've now stopped this) but she will still refuse dinner, she won't even touch the food or try and taste it. She'll say no and push the plate away and ask for pudding ( fruit and yoghurt) which she will devour!
She has lost weight but is still on the same centile she was previously but obviously hasn't been weighed since she was 1 so the health visitor doesn't have anything physical to go on other than my word!
I've tried every suggestion I've been given but don't no what else to try and help now and I'm at my wits end and sick of worrying!
My lg is a really fussy eater we were away last week and she lived off toast and cheese mainly 🙈 she’s better at trying things at nursery now. She has been refusing evening meals and demanding cereal which we’d give as we wanted her to be full. Since we got back from holiday I’m being stricter with the evening meals it’s stuff I know she’d enjoy if she’d try it so I’m just offering what the tea is and saying this is what we’re having today she’s still not eating it. If it’s stuff she can pick at then I’ve been taking it to the living room so she can try it out the kitchen environment and she has tried some bits this week so I’m continuing with that. I also let her choose which pasta type we also got a toddler tower so she can help make the food. It’s hard I’m trying to be consistent as I can