Today, Milk Weetabix & banana Coconut rolls & raisins Beans on toast with cheese & satsuma Oat bar Fish pie, yoghurt & more raisins Milk
A few spoonfuls of porridge with some mashed banana in it for breakfast Some veggie sticks throughout the day A few spoonfuls of a pouch for lunch and some playing with peas/ not sure how much went in Finishing off the pouch for dinner plus a bit of cucumber, cheese and yoghurt Baby still eating very little !
Breakfast - Porridge / cereal with fruit Snack - banana pancakes/oat biscuits/fruit/cheese/yoghurt/crackers/melty sticks etc Lunch - sandwich / omelette / tea leftovers Snack Dinner - today was sweet potato beans and cheese with veg sticks and fruit
Today: Cereal, toast and grapes Melty puffs Ham pasta, chicken, blueberries Oaty bar Sausage, mash and veg Biscuit Milk
Breakfast - a breakfast oat pouch, a handful of cereal, a few bites of toast Snack - cheese and grapes Lunch - cheese spread sandwich, some crisps, yoghurt Snack - wafer & banana Dinner - cottage pie & veg. Had another yoghurt If he asks for more snacks we give on demand and he breastfeeds on demand throughout the day and night so is still having a substantial amount of milk. Some days he eats constantly other days he’s not interested it’s really hit and miss x
Bloody hell my 15month old is like a walking dustbin he doesn’t stop eating lol 😂 Breakfast he has wheetabix and banana about ten min later he has a round off toast then a bottle off milk Midday snack he will have skips or a banana Then for dinner he will have either half a jacket potato with cheese and beans , tuna mayo sandwich , spaghetti hoops on toast or big soups and toast Then tea it’s various xxx
Breakfast: omelette with dill and spring onion, blueberries, bread with some butter. Then milk Snack: apple and pear Lunch: chicken soup. Then milk Snack: melty sticks and banana Dinner: Chicken soup, broccoli and cauliflower Snack: yogurt with dill Then milk before bed
Today: Breakfast- eggs on toast and half a suckies yogurt Lunch- homemade veggie roll, cheese, grapes Dinner- shepards pie and broccoli Snacks- smoothie bites, the other half of the yogurt, grapes, blueberries, raisins, fruit bar snack thingy, date bar, peas Sounds a lot but he doesn’t eat much at a time at all he’s such a snacker
Weetabix with Banana and Blueberries Veggie Sticks (Snack) Ham and Cheese Quesadilla with Grapes, Strawberries and Kiwi Cucumber and Hummus (Snack) Cheesy Broccoli Pasta and Raspberry Yogurt 8oz Milk