Typical food day for your LO

Can you write what they’d eat in a day. Yesterday my little one had Weetabix Milk Strawberries & biscuit Eggs, avocado, toast & cheese Milk Melty sticks Spaghetti Bol & yoghurt Milk
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Weetabix with Banana and Blueberries Veggie Sticks (Snack) Ham and Cheese Quesadilla with Grapes, Strawberries and Kiwi Cucumber and Hummus (Snack) Cheesy Broccoli Pasta and Raspberry Yogurt 8oz Milk

Today, Milk Weetabix & banana Coconut rolls & raisins Beans on toast with cheese & satsuma Oat bar Fish pie, yoghurt & more raisins Milk

A few spoonfuls of porridge with some mashed banana in it for breakfast Some veggie sticks throughout the day A few spoonfuls of a pouch for lunch and some playing with peas/ not sure how much went in Finishing off the pouch for dinner plus a bit of cucumber, cheese and yoghurt Baby still eating very little !

Breakfast - Porridge / cereal with fruit Snack - banana pancakes/oat biscuits/fruit/cheese/yoghurt/crackers/melty sticks etc Lunch - sandwich / omelette / tea leftovers Snack Dinner - today was sweet potato beans and cheese with veg sticks and fruit

Today: Cereal, toast and grapes Melty puffs Ham pasta, chicken, blueberries Oaty bar Sausage, mash and veg Biscuit Milk

Breakfast - a breakfast oat pouch, a handful of cereal, a few bites of toast Snack - cheese and grapes Lunch - cheese spread sandwich, some crisps, yoghurt Snack - wafer & banana Dinner - cottage pie & veg. Had another yoghurt If he asks for more snacks we give on demand and he breastfeeds on demand throughout the day and night so is still having a substantial amount of milk. Some days he eats constantly other days he’s not interested it’s really hit and miss x

Bloody hell my 15month old is like a walking dustbin he doesn’t stop eating lol 😂 Breakfast he has wheetabix and banana about ten min later he has a round off toast then a bottle off milk Midday snack he will have skips or a banana Then for dinner he will have either half a jacket potato with cheese and beans , tuna mayo sandwich , spaghetti hoops on toast or big soups and toast Then tea it’s various xxx

Breakfast: omelette with dill and spring onion, blueberries, bread with some butter. Then milk Snack: apple and pear Lunch: chicken soup. Then milk Snack: melty sticks and banana Dinner: Chicken soup, broccoli and cauliflower Snack: yogurt with dill Then milk before bed

Today: Breakfast- eggs on toast and half a suckies yogurt Lunch- homemade veggie roll, cheese, grapes Dinner- shepards pie and broccoli Snacks- smoothie bites, the other half of the yogurt, grapes, blueberries, raisins, fruit bar snack thingy, date bar, peas Sounds a lot but he doesn’t eat much at a time at all he’s such a snacker

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