The cousin is 6 and my daughter 7
You're not overreacting at all, you've got to protect your daughter first & always.
I agree. Something may be happening to the boy which is very sad and I hope they are figuring that out. Protect your daughter. It's so great she told you right away. Your husband is siding with his blood family which is also sad.
Not overreacting at all. Doesn’t matter age. That is not okay and until the mom takes more control of it, they shouldn’t do anything together
Your sil can't change what happened, but she is underreacting. At the very least she should be instructing him those are his private parts, we don't show them to other people (including our cousins), and uncle's house is not an appropriate place to take it out (unless he is in the bathroom, alone or with his mom or dad). I think it's ok to let them play together, but with closer supervision (by you, your husband and sil aren't taking this seriously), and let both kids know closed doors are not allowed.
Your SIL definitely isn’t taking it seriously enough. She needs to really work with him on appropriate boundaries and whatnot. I know kids are curious and sometimes “play doctor,” but the fact that he did it behind closed doors shows he knew he wasn’t supposed to do that. If it was my son, I would want to really talk to him to understand where he was learning that behavior to make sure he wasn’t being molested or groomed. If you do see them again, insist that the kids play right in front of you in the main area of the house. No closed doors, and no going off by themselves into other rooms of the house or the backyard. Better to safe than sorry. Most kids who molest other kids have been molested by an adult. It’s terrible and heartbreaking.
Definitely not overreacting, it’s saddening that neither of them see the BIG issue with that whole situation. If for whatever reason that would happen to my kids I’d definitely not want them to be around the “culprit” stick to your guns momma! We are the only advocate for our kids!
The kid is definitely experiencing inappropriate behavior from someone in the family. Hopefully it’s not his own parents but I wouldn’t put it past them! Especially w the way they went abt everything. Don’t let ur daughter go 2 their house. It could be anyone. No normal child does things like that. Ur job is 2 protect ur daughter,not spare anybody’s feelings. Keeping those kids away from your daughter is the best decision u can make bc he could’ve m0lested ur daughter. That’s the next step. Ur next job is 2 invite them over & u need 2 lead the conversation & figure out who is making the kid think that the behavior is okay & who taught him 2 do that. That way you know which adult(s) 2 call out,keep them away from ur family & call the cops on them. Somebody has 2 hold everyone involved accountable & put an end 2 this whole situation & if it’s not gonna be your husband, or the kid’s parents,then it has 2 be U.
Set boundaries w the parents & teach ur daughter boundaries as well! Mine is 5 & she knows the names of private parts & knows that nobody’s s’posed 2 see or touch them. & she also knows she can’t touch anybody else’s privates. She knows 2 not trust other grown ups & be weary of strangers. She knows how 2 ask 4 privacy. U need 2 set boundaries for ur home infront of the kids & parents & specifically state that that type of behavior is unacceptable & will not be allowed in ur home or around your child explain 2 the kids why it’s wrong & say if they can’t respect that,they’re no longer welcomed in ur home or around ur child. If they get mad,f them. Ur kid comes 1st! Simple! Any reasonable parent would understand so if they get upset,their intentions aren’t good. They need 2 check their kid,if not u have every right 2 do so!
The fact that the parents & ur husband reacted in a careless way leads me 2 believe that they know who is behind this & don’t want the person exposed bc they’re close 2 them, or that it’s one of them doing these things 2 the kid & making them think it’s okay. Just saying. That’s definitely something 2 look into. Watch ur hubby & keep a close eye on ur kid. The fact he is a man & isn’t more pissed abt the situation, is just bizarre! Any GIRL DAD would be infuriated by this! & he shouldn’t care if it’s his sister & her son! F her feelings!We don’t play that over here! If that were my hubby & me, we would’ve got 2 the bottom of it & put everyone in their place!
Thank you, ladies. Honestly, I thought I was going crazy and started to doubt myself. I didn’t know what to think and maybe I thought maybe my husband is right. Boundaries and limits are unfortunately a common issue between my husband and me when it comes to his family, and they tend to sweep things under the rug. Unfortunately, this situation ended up falling into that pattern. A genuine thank you for not making me feel like I was exaggerating.
Good luck OP, take care of yourself and your precious daughter above all else.
Yeah I'd be upset. What are the ages, your daughter and the cousin?