I use the stroller ever since my baby was 3 weeks old as he hates the pram with bassinet. It's fully flat like yours. My baby fell asleep the minute I put him in it, so it was a good choice. Now he's almost 14 weeks old. I suggest give it a go. I bought separately a universal footmuff. A warm one so baby is always warm. Also he's in a wintersuit and with a blanket. If it's windy or cold f.ex 2,3 degrees I put raincover as I believe it protects him also from wind and cold (so even if it's not raining). But it's up to you
To be honest we also used the normal pushchair straight away as also suitable from birth / lays flat. We didn’t go out much at all in those early weeks, when we did we just wrapped her up with blankets etc and obvs had the hood/canopy bit fully stretched out. My little one has been fine with it from day one! Now 11 weeks and still good with the pushchair 😌
Yeah we no longer use a carry cot, we tilt the seat up so she’s kind of laying and sitting up
Yes we have, my boy is 12 weeks and is so long and hated being laid down in the carry cot! Is much happier in the seat laying down
Thanks all will make the change. Have got a footmuff to keep her warm
Just bought the silvercross clic pushchair as I’m sick to death of lumping the huge travel system in and out of the boot and having no boot space. Waiting for the weather to pick up a bit though as she will be more exposed in it than the carrycot