
Is everyone giving their LO breakfast, lunch and dinner now? We tried it and I don’t know if it was a coincidence but he was really uncomfortable at night and I thought it was because his little tummy was too full. He currently has 4x 7oz bottles and 2 meals.
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My LO is now on x3 meals and x3 5/6oz bottles if that helps, at first I was giving her porridge for dinner and she slept straight through, now she has porridge or toast for breakfast and puree with snacks for lunch and dinner x

I offer 3 ‘meals’ but tbh my LO really isn’t fussed about breakfast! He has 5 x 7/8oz bottles a day ☺️

What times are your bottles? @Georgia

I offer 3 meals most days because he’s eating really well and he loves breakfast and tea but never seems all that bothered about dinner. I still offer it though because he does eat some.

@Meg so she has a 6oz bottle about 6:45/7am, 2pm and 7pm then she’s down for the night about 7:30:40pm x

i offer 3 meals i give weetabix or porridge with some fruit in the morning mashed up and then different veggies and meals at dinner time/tea time but always offer milk my son has about 4/5 bottles x

When we went up to 3 meals we dropped to 3 bottles. It works well for us.

My girl is 8.5 months and has 2 meals and 4 x 6floz bottles. I plan on introducing the 3rd meal once she hits 9 months

3 meals and 4 smaller bottles. She drinks anywhere from 3-7oz depending on the time of day

3 meals and 2 snacks and then just 2 8oz bottles x

My little boy scoffs a lunch a dinner and snack. Maybe 3x 5oz bottles in 24 hrs mainly around naps: but can I get this child to eat a breakfast!!! It’s impossible 😂 they really are their own little persons aren’t they

Absolutely! He would eat all day if I let him, he LOVESSSS food, there’s no filling him 🫨 @Laura-louise

I’m just doing breakfast & dinner. I’ll maybe add in lunch soon but for now that seems enough plus he’s still having around 6 breastfeeds a day. I find if he eats dinner super close to bedtime he gets uncomfy so I try to make sure he has dinner at least an hour & a half before bed. It isn’t always possible if we are out but that’s what I mostly do ☺️

We do 2 meals and 3h breastfeeds. How do you give wetabix? Hear loads of people offering thier kid wetabix. Do you just let it go really soggy? Any ideas for breakfast that doesn’t require a spoon? My LG is refusing to use a spoon in any capacity even though she was previously feeding herself with it?

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