I was in the latent phase for 6 days 😩 Be prepared for it to start and stop.. my contractions would start in the evening and then come morning they would die right down! I had 3 sweeps in that time, and on my third is when active labour started for me which was day 6! Only thing that helped me was in and out of the bath, and nap whenever you can! But everyone is completely different! X
I was in the latent phase for 2 days but could have been longer, due to other reasons I had my waters broke I was at 3cm for 2 days they broke my waters and I also had the hormone drips my body wasn’t going into labour properly. Hospital only chose to break my waters because my other son was in the hospital on icu (he’s well now) so we were technically living in the hospital at the time
It started Sunday at 3am, and then I was 8cm dilated by on Monday at 10pm, had the baby Tuesday at 9pm, first baby x
For just over a week I’d say, and then active labour was about a day and a half, transitional stage was around an hour x
@Steph same here as Steph, mine was just over a week, ended up being sent to the hospital by midwife 3 days before my due date , got induced with a balloon & then waters broken, baby girl was comfy but my body wanted her outtt😂 also had 4/5 sweeps in total (probably worse than labor tbh) she came on her due date 🩷good luck girl hope it’s all quick for you
Congratulations!!! Super cute! 🫶🏻
Congratulations he’s beautiful! Xx
Congrats!! 🩵
Congratulations darling 🥹🥹
5 hours. I had a very very quick labour x