BLW Help!!

Girls I’m so scared to give my baby finger foods! (3rd baby, but my last was 7 years ago)🙈 I really want to give him little bits to hold and explore but I have a huge choking fear. Does anyone have any advice or food ideas (Dairy free) that we can try? Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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I was so scared too and today I finally bit the bullet, I gave him potato and carrot sticks that I’d boiled for about 15 mins and it was fine 😅 he mainly mushed it around the tray but did eat some. Still too nervous to try with chicken etc 🥺

Just take your time, there’s no pressure at all. My little one hasn’t even got teeth yet and I don’t feel comfortable giving him loads of solids? He’s happy enough with blended up sweet potato and broccoli etc. He did have some banana pancakes today which his little gums could mush and i honestly felt very safe giving them to him. I may or may not have tried one with some Nutella on so I knew how mushy they were 🥰 you’re doing everything right! There’s no much pressure atm for BLW but if it’s not right it’s not right and they’ll be on them soon enough, why rush? X

Try the melty puff sticks first if you’re worried I know they’re processed but they are designed to melt in baby’s mouth so they are a great starting point! My boy is 7 months and now has a good mix of finger foods and the odd crispy snack or puree sachet - his favourite is fusilli pasta as he can pick it up and ‘chew it’ down into bits himself It’s the allergens that scare me - so far we’ve done milk, wheat, egg, tree nuts (I made him pesto pasta without realising 🙈) and just finished introducing peanuts today . . . Fish next 😅😅😅😅😅 I’m finding myself watching him like a hawk all day every time he has something new

You can do baby first aid courses which may put your mind at rest a little more knowing you’d know what to do if baby did choke? I was really nervous about it too but in the end bit the bullet and we haven’t looked back. I remember if noise and red face that’s gagging and if silence and white/blue face that’s choking. Try slowly with a single thing for a few days maybe and see how your baby does and if that eases your fear a little (I did carrot but have seen someone suggesting the melty puffs that is a great idea).

It is scary so just take your time. But remember their gag reflex started at the tip of their tongue when they were born so it’s still very towards the front of their mouth, which helps when eating finger foods. The melty cauliflower crisps from Aldi are amazing as they begin the melt when in the mouth x

Gave our boy a big wedge of orange today, no pips, rind on so he could hold on to it and he had a great time. We've done lots of green veggies so was excited to try something sweeter. It's fun watching them as they figure it out, the gagging is scary but trying not to let my anxiety affect his experience of food. If it's a rough day for you, stick with purée, if you're having a good day and feel braver give something they can just mush down, our boy loves courgette!

I was scared too but I really wanted to do BLW so first week I gave him those organix Puff sticks and fed him puree muswlf and then gave him big bikes fruits & veg like apples/ pears and carrots and now he has it all and has a spoon for the mashed/puree food that he puts into his own moth. i also spoon feed while he plays/eats with the rest of it and I did that week by week 5 weeks into our weaning journey. Also in that time my confidence has grown in letting him eat and control things a bit more.

Omelette is good as it’s soft but they can work through it and I make it thin. Still makes my baby gag which I hate 😅

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